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Results from the WOW.Com Content Network provides a search of over 45 scientific databases and 200 million pages of science information with just one query, and is a gateway to over 2000 scientific Websites. Free Alliance, 18 scientific and technical organizations from 14 federal agencies that contribute to United States Department of Energy ...
This is an annotated list of biological websites, including only notable websites dealing with biology generally and those with a more specific focus. Ask A Biologist - has been hosted by ASU School of Life Sciences since 1997.
ipl2 - merger of the collections of resources from the Internet Public Library (IPL) and the Librarians' Internet Index (LII) websites, hosted by Drexel University College of Information Science and Technology; Refdesk - free and family-friendly web site that indexes and reviews quality, credible, and current web-based resources is an interagency initiative of 18 U.S. government science organizations within 14 Federal agencies. These agencies form the voluntary Alliance. In May 2004, Version 2.0 was launched, [6] introducing real-time relevancy ranking to government science retrieval. This technology, funded by the Department of Energy, helps ...
Center for Open Science: EconStor: Economics and Business Studies A subject based repository with a high share of working papers (preprints) >100,000 2009 ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics: ECSarXiv: Electrochemistry: A free preprint service for electrochemistry and solid state science and technology >100 2018 Center for Open ...
Free CC BY-SA 4.0, GFDL None None Nupedia: English: Combined with GNUpedia Defunct None GFDL 1.1 or later None None Interpedia: English: General interest, the first site to propose a free encyclopedia written by users Defunct None Unknown Free None Everipedia: English [1] General interest Read-only (archived) Free [2] CC BY 4.0 Wikipedia None ...
IGDB (Internet Games Database) IMDb (Internet Movie Database) INDUCKS; IndexMaster; Informit (database) Inorganic Crystal Structure Database;
Most of ResearchGate's users are involved in medicine or biology, [10] [12] though it also has participants from engineering, law, computer science, agricultural sciences, and psychology, among others. [10] ResearchGate published an author-level metric in the form of an "RG Score" since 2012. [15] RG score is not a citation impact measure.
related to: free websites for science