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Hahn ultimately hoped to create a breeder reactor, using low-level isotopes to transform samples of thorium and uranium into fissile isotopes. [5] His homemade neutron source was often incorrectly referred to as a nuclear reactor, but it did emit measurable levels of radiation, likely exceeding 1,000 times normal background radiation.
English: Nuclear reactor: pressurized water type. Water is heated through the splitting of uranium atoms in the reactor core. The water, held under high pressure to keep it from boiling, produces steam by transferring heat to a secondary source of water. The steam is used to generate electricity.
English: Schematic diagram of an Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor type nuclear reactor 1. Charge tubes 2. Control rods 3. Graphite moderator 4. Fuel assemblies 5. Concrete pressure vessel and radiation shielding 6. Gas circulator 7. Water 8. Water circulator 9. Heat exchanger 10. Steam
A nuclear reactor is a device used to initiate and control a fission nuclear chain reaction. They are used for commercial electricity, marine propulsion, weapons production and research. Fissile nuclei (primarily uranium-235 or plutonium-239) absorb single neutrons and split, releasing energy and multiple neutrons, which can induce further fission.
Chicago Pile-1 (CP-1) was the world's first artificial nuclear reactor.On 2 December 1942, the first human-made self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was initiated in CP-1 during an experiment led by Enrico Fermi.
The reactor buildings of Bradwell magnox nuclear power station. The magnox reactors were considered at the time to have a considerable degree of inherent safety because of their simple design, low power density, and gas coolant. Because of this they were not provided with secondary containment features. A safety design principle at the time was ...
English: Schematic diagram of the pressurised heavy water cooled version of a CANDU (CANada Deuterium-Uranium) nuclear reactor. - The pressurized heavy water (PHW) cooled version was the first type to be developed and is by far the most widely used.
English: Diagram of RBMK (Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный) nuclear reactor. Español : Esquema básico de un reactor RMBK . Français : Schéma du réacteur nucléaire RBMK (Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный).