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Belgium Visa Application Centre | TLScontact
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Application information -
Pour un séjour d’études en Belgique, vous devez demander une autorisation de séjour provisoire (ASP) sur base d’une inscription ou d’une admission ou d’une inscription à un examen d’admission
2 Should be valid for one month after the intended departure date from the Schengen-zone. Copy of the passport bio-page • Page with photo. Valid travel health insurance (Copy) Covering any costs of repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical care and/or emergency hospital care or
2 ☐ UK residence permit (Original and a copy) • Which should be valid for one month after the intended departure date from the Schengen-zone. ☐ Your flight tickets (Original/Copy) • showing the transit via a Belgian airport; • If you are returning with Belgium, please provide the tickets for both ways. ☐ Visa or Entry permit for the country of final destination (Original/Copy)
2 ☐ Original passport • Passport should be valid at least 90 days after the date you intend to leave Belgium • It is advisable that the passport contains at least one double blank page reserved for visas (blank front and back) for each. ☐One identical passport size photographs – (in color, against a white background) ☐ One visa application forms.
Ambassade de Belgique en Algérie • o Les trois dernières fiches de salaire ; o Attestation de travail ou copie du contrat de travail ; o Avertissement extrait de rôle du dernier exer ie d’imposition; o Composition de ménage établie par l’administration ommunale; o Le as é héant, la preuve de per eption d’allo ations familiales;
Welcome to the Visa Application Centre for Belgium in Durban