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  2. Recorder’s Office – Carroll County Ohio


    Office Hours: Effective 4/1/2021: Mon through Fri 8am-4pm. Under statute the County Recorder shall serve on the County Records Commission which authorizes the retention of county records and determines when or how these government records may be disposed of.



    Welcome to the Carroll County Recorders Office Website. As your recorder, I am responsible for all real estate records in Carroll County. Our records contain historic facts and details.

  4. Office Information – Carroll County Ohio


    The Carroll County Recorders Office is the official land records office for all real estate located in Carroll County. The Recorder’s Office keeps and maintains accurate land records that are current, legible and easily accessible.

  5. Search - Carroll County Recorder


    Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number. © 2024 Carroll County, OH. All Rights Reserved.

  6. Ohio Recorders


    This website was developed by the ORA to assist the public in connecting easily with the 88 county Recorders Offices in Ohio, and to efficiently disseminate individual recording office information, useful related links, legislative news and updates, and general information of our organization.

  7. Carroll County Recorder's Office in Carrollton, Ohio - County...


    Search our database of free Carrollton residential property records including deed records, titles, mortgages, sales, transfers & ownership history, parcel, land, zoning & structural descriptions, valuations, tax assessments & more.

  8. Carroll County Recorder | Ohio Legal Help


    The County Recorder's Office is responsible for making a complete, accurate and permanent record of every document related to the legal transfers, mortgages and other charges on land in the county.

  9. Carroll County Real Estate Search


    In this site, you will have access to property records, dog tags, forms, deadlines and procedures, as well as information on the County’s finances. We hope you find this website both helpful and informative. For additional information about the Auditor's duties and much more, please visit www.caao.org.

  10. Birth & Death Certificates - Carroll County, Ohio


    The Carroll County General Health District provides certified birth and death certificates. The cost is $27.00 for each certified copy. Birth and Death Certificates are issued Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, and Thursday's from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

  11. Recorder’s Office: Land Information - Carroll County Ohio


    Visit the Web site (Ohios Historic Family Farms Program) for more information, including a list of current Bicentennial and Century Farms and a downloadable registration form. Assistance is also available from the department’s Office of Communication – agrcentury@agri.ohio.gov or 614-752-4505.