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  2. Amplitude, Period and Frequency - Trigonometry | Socratic


    The frequency of a wave describes the number of complete cycles which are completed during a given period of time. As such, frequency is a rate quantity which describes the rate of oscillations or vibrations or cycles or waves on a per second basis. A common unit of frequency is the Hertz, abbreviated as Hz. #color(red)("Frequency " = 1 ...

  3. What is the formula for frequency? - Socratic


    Frequency, f, is the number of oscillations in the unit of time (1 second) and is given as the reciprocal of the Period, T, (which is the time taken for one complete oscillation) so: f=1/T measured in s^-1 called Hertz. Frequency is also related to wavelength, lambda, as: c=lambda*f where c is the speed of light.

  4. How do you calculate the frequency of a wave? - Socratic


    Well you use an equation for that... Frequency of a wave is given by the equations: 1.f=1/T where: f is the frequency of the wave in hertz T is the period of the wave in seconds 2.f=v/lambda where: f is the frequency of the wave in hertz v is the velocity of the wave in meters per second lambda is the wavelength of the wave in meters For electromagnetic waves, they all travel at the speed of ...

  5. How can I calculate the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation?


    The equation that relates wavelength, frequency, and speed of light is c = lambda*nu c = 3.00xx10^8 "m/s" (the speed of light in a vacuum) lambda = wavelength in meters nu = frequency in Hertz (Hz) or 1/"s" or "s"^(-1)". So basically the wavelength times the frequency of an electromagnetic wave equals the speed of light. FYI, lambda is the Greek letter lambda , and nu is the Greek letter nu ...

  6. How do you calculate the wavelength of light? + Example -...


    Frequency has a unit of #"1/s"#, which means #1# cycle per second. It is also given the unit Hertz (Hz) in honor of German physicist Heinrich Hertz who proved the existence of electromagnetic waves. #1 "Hz"="1/s"#. In order to calculate the wavelength of light, you must know the frequency and the speed of light. #lambda=c/nu# Example:

  7. How do you calculate the period and frequency? - Socratic


    color(red)("Period " = 1 / " Frequency " or " T = 1 / f Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It is also referred to as temporal frequency, which emphasizes the contrast to spatial frequency and angular frequency. The period is the duration of time of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period is the reciprocal of the frequency. Relationship between ...

  8. How do you find the cumulative relative frequency? | Socratic


    It's a matter of adding up and taking percentages If you have a frequency table, you add a few columns to your table: Cumulative frequency Relative frequency Cumulative relative frequency Cumulative frequency You add the frequencies up to and including for the value Relative frequency You express the frequency as a fraction or percentage of total sum of frequencies Cumulative relative ...

  9. Calculations with wavelength and frequency - Chemistry - Socratic


    What is the formula for calculating frequency? What is the wavelength of a photon with a frequency of #4.72 times 10^14# #Hz#? If light has a wavelength of #692nm#, then calculate the energy of these photons in Joules?

  10. What is the formula for frequency as in ac current? - Answers


    The formula that links frequency to wavelength is v = f * lambda, where v is speed with units of meters per second (m/s), f is frequency with units of hertz (Hz or 1/s), and lambda is the ...

  11. How can I calculate the wavelength from energy? - Socratic


    To calculate the wavelength, you need to know either the frequency or the energy of the radiation. Wavelength from frequency You can find the relation between wavelength and frequency at