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  2. What are some examples of synonyms used in sentences?


    The types of contexts clues are examples, synonyms, acronyms, comparison, contrasts, and the direct explanation of a word. However, synonyms are the most used form of context clues. Related questions

  3. Can you please give 200 more examples of synonyms?


    Synonyms are different words with identical or similar meanings. A noun is a word for a person, place or thing. Some examples are: acquire and obtain (verb)

  4. What are non- examples of synonyms? - Answers


    100 examples of synonyms used in sentence? Synonyms are words which have the same or similar meaning. Consult an online dictionary to find 100s of examples of them being used in a sentence.

  5. What are examples of synonym? - Answers


    Examples of Synonyms and Antonyms:(listed in this order: word, antonym for that word, synonym for that word)answer, question, respondbig, little, hugeboastful, humble ...

  6. What are the Examples of words that are synonyms antonyms and ......


    Synonyms - Words that have the same meaning, like happy and glad. Antonyms - Words that have opposite meanings like happy and sad. Homonyms - Words that sounds the same but are spelt differently ...

  7. Give examples of words that are synonyms and antonyms and ... -...


    Synonym = words that are similar and substitutable in meaning eg., similar - alike, help - assist Antonyn = words with opposite meaning eg., love - hate, hot - cold Homonym = words similar in ...

  8. What are the examples of synonyms in sentences? - Answers


    Can you give me 10 examples of synonyms word using in a sentences? happy,near,sunny,quickly,thin,fair,hopeful,sad,under,select. 10 sentences of synonyms and antonyms? ujujuj.

  9. Could you give examples of words that are synonyms and antonyms...


    Synonyms: Different words having the same or similar meaning.Synonyms for chasm: pit, gulf, abyss, gorge, gulch. Antonym: A word of opposite meaning. Usually, this implies that the words can be ...

  10. 10 synonyms with examples and sentence? - Answers


    100 examples of synonyms used in sentence? Synonyms are words which have the same or similar meaning. Consult an online dictionary to find 100s of examples of them being used in a sentence.

  11. Can you give me 10 examples of synonyms with sentences?


    What is an adjective give 10 examples of adjective? An adjective is a word that modifies (describes) a noun. Examples of adjectives ...