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  2. Tone is a literary device that reflects the writers attitude toward the subject matter or audience of a literary work. By conveying this attitude through tone, the writer creates a particular relationship with the reader that, in turn, influences the intention and meaning of the written words.

  3. Tone in writing refers to both the writer's feelings and attitude towards the subject and the audience and how those feelings are expressed. Tone is one of the elements of writing, and writers convey their tone through word choice and syntax. Like tone of voice, it helps set the mood of the writing piece and influences the reader interpretation.

  4. Tone - Definition and Examples - LitCharts


    Here’s a quick and simple definition: The tone of a piece of writing is its general character or attitude, which might be cheerful or depressive, sarcastic or sincere, comical or mournful, praising or critical, and so on.

  5. In literature, tone refers to the attitude or mood a text conveys, shaped by the author's choice of words and formatting. Tone can be intimate or distant, cheerful or sad — it’s a literary device writers use to convey the emotional quality of a moment and keep readers engaged throughout a story.

  6. What is Tone in Literature? - Writers.com


    Tone in literature encompasses the wide variety of moods, thoughts, and feelings that authors imbue their work with. But, what is tone? Where does it come from? And how do authors wield different types of tone in writing? Tone can be a slippery concept to grasp, so let’s explore it methodically.

  7. Writing tone is a type of literary device and the different types of tones refer to the attitude, mood, or emotional quality an author conveys through their choice of words, sentence structure, and overall style.

  8. In literature, tone is the attitude or approach that the author takes toward the works central theme or subject. Works of literature can have many different types of tone, such as humorous, solemn, distant, intimate, ironic, arrogant, condescending, sentimental, and so on. Any emotion that humans can feel can be an example of tone in literature.