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You can apply a preset style to a picture—including a border and shading, or you can apply a custom border of your own choosing. Choose the image that you want to add a customized border to. On the Picture Format tab, select Picture Border. Choose a color. In the Weight list, choose a border width. In the Dashes list, choose a line style.
With Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, or Excel, you can easily change the outline of a photo by turning it into a shape like a circle or a rounded rectangle. The Crop to Shape feature provides options for cropping an image to a specific shape or starting with a shape and then inserting an image within it.
Enhance a picture in the Office apps by giving it a different shape. Select a picture. Select the Picture Tools > Format tab, and then select Crop > Crop to Shape. From the shapes gallery, select the shape you want to crop to. Select the Picture Tools > Format tab and select Picture Border.
To change or remove the border of the shape, select Shape Outline, then select No Outline or select the border color you want. To blur the edges of the shape (to blend better with the image), select Shape Effects > Soft Edges, then choose a suitable variation.
Make your pictures look their best. Correct blurry and dark pictures, change the look with an artistic effects, and add borders or shadows to make pictures stand out. Adjust the brightness, contrast, or sharpness. Select the picture. Select Picture Tools > Format and select Corrections.
See all the options to create or add illustrations and images to your documents.
This lets you set the color of the border surrounding your image. Wrap Text helps you to control how text will flow around your image in the document. If you want to stack multiple objects on top of each other Arrange lets you move the selected image up or down (forward or backwards) in the stack.
Enhance your document's pages using a wide range of styles, settings, colors, and clip art to create an attractive border for your pages.
Add, change, or delete borders from documents or pictures. Add a fill or effect to a shape or text box. Apply or remove cell borders on a worksheet
You can add an image in your document and make the text flow around it in a way that follows the shape of the image. Tip: For best results, use a picture with a transparent, white, or solid colored background.
To find clip art (cartoon-like images) using Bing Image search, add the word “clip art” to your search term. For example, border clip art or flower clip art. (These examples are already filtered to images in Bing’s Free to modify, share, and use commercially category, which is the most permissive.)