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  2. WeDryer’s innovative design allows anyone to quickly set up their own herb dryer at home. No mold, no odor. Consistent high quality results witing 7 days of drying.

  3. WeDryer XL (60 Cm Diameter) - Full herb dryer


    There’s a perfect fit for drying your herbs. For once and for all have your herbs dried perfectly! No more crooked looks when people smell something “weird”. Yup, we gotcha covered - Odor Free, Means you can hang it anywhere. With the Wedryer you can stop worrying about getting mold or being stressed about hitting that perfect ...

  4. WeDryer S1 (30 Cm Diameter) - Full herb dryer


    Features: Can hold 500,700 grams of wet herbs Mold prevention. Drying uniformity. Constant airflow. Purification and filtration system that’s effective at eliminating odor. Great for growers that want to stay discreet. Compartmentalized design that allows multiple plants to be dried at once. Active airflow system. Mini

  5. WedryerXL Navy – WeDryer herb dryer


    There’s a perfect fit for drying your herbs. For once and for all have your herbs dried perfectly! No more crooked looks when people smell something “weird”. Yup, we gotcha covered - Odor Free, Means you can hang it anywhere. With the Wedryer you can stop worrying about getting mold or being stressed about hitting that perfect ...

  6. WEDRYER EXTRACTION KIT – WeDryer herb dryer


    After the bucket is filled with is water, the mixture stirred vigorously inside the top Wedryer extraction bag with a large spoon or electric mixer for approximately 10-15 minutes.

  7. Products – WeDryer herb dryer


    WeDryer’s innovative design allows anyone to quickly set up their own herb dryer at home. No mold, no odor. Consistent high quality results witing 7 days of drying.

  8. Collections – WeDryer herb dryer


    WeDryer’s innovative design allows anyone to quickly set up their own herb dryer at home. No mold, no odor. Consistent high quality results witing 7 days of drying.

  9. Contact Us – WeDryer herb dryer


    WeDryer’s innovative design allows anyone to quickly set up their own herb dryer at home. No mold, no odor. Consistent high quality results witing 7 days of drying.

  10. Our Story – WeDryer herb dryer


    We conducted thorough analysis into the drying process, and developed a system that provides a unique and innovative solution while solving all of the challenges common in drying herbs: odors, mold, and space.

  11. Become a Distributor – WeDryer herb dryer


    Have a question? Fill out the contact form. We’d love to hear from you. office@wedryer.com +972-54-5551192