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An idiom is a common word or phrase with a figurative, non-literal meaning that is understood culturally and differs from what its composite words' denotations would suggest; i.e. the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words (although some idioms do retain their literal meanings – see the example "kick the bucket" below).
Also to be 'fading fast' Fall off one's perch [9] To die Informal Fall off the toilet: To die, often in an untimely or unexpected manner Informal Food for worms [2] Someone who is dead Slang Also 'worm food' Fratricide Murder among siblings Formal Free one's horses To die Neutral Game end To kill Informal Genocide: To completely exterminate all ...
You cannot make a silk purse from a sow's ear; You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs; You cannot make bricks without straw; You cannot push a rope; You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds (You cannot) teach an old dog new tricks; You cannot unscramble eggs; You cannot win them all; You catch more flies with honey than ...
The post 40 Sad Movies When You Need a Good Cry appeared first on Reader's Digest. Grab a box of tissues and let it all out with these sad movies that will turn you into a blubbering mess (in the ...
Sad songs say so much, as Elton John once opined. But sad movies, well, they can totally wreck you for days.Weeks. Years. Sad movies can make you cry, they can make you emotional, and it doesn't ...
The post Sad Dog Movies That Make You Cry but Are Worth Watching appeared first on DogTime. There’s nothing like a sad dog movie that will make you sob uncontrollably. Here are eight really sad ...
Other expressions are: не бачити тобі ... як своїх вух ("you'll never see [something] like you will never see your ears"); на кінський Великдень ("on horse's Easter"; побачиш як власну потилицю ("you'll see it like your own nape").
Emotional tears well up when the limbic system—the part of your brain associated with emotional arousal, says Dr. Andreoli—is activated by a strong emotion or intense situation, be it a sad ...