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Results from the WOW.Com Content Network The Directorate General of Taxes ( Indonesian : Direktorat Jenderal Pajak ; also known as DJP ) is an Indonesian government agency under Ministry of Finance which has the task of formulating and implementing taxation policies and technical standardization in the field of taxation .
Value Added Tax termed 'Goods and Services and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods' Law ("Undang-undang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas Barang dan Jasa dan Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah"/UU PPN and PPn BM): Law No. 8/1983, amended I by Law No. 11/1994, amended II by Law No. 18/2000, amended III by Law No. 42/2009, partially amended by Law No. 7/2021;
A company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (commonly abbreviated EBITDA, [1] pronounced / ˈ iː b ɪ t d ɑː,-b ə-, ˈ ɛ-/ [2]) is a measure of a company's profitability of the operating business only, thus before any effects of indebtedness, state-mandated payments, and costs required to maintain its asset base.
PT Net Visi Media was established on July 23, 2004 under the name PT Putra Insan in Jakarta. On March 23, 2017, the company changed its name to its current name—PT Net Visi Media.
Legal tax avoidance; Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) . Double Irish. Single Malt; CAIA; Dutch Sandwich; Tax credit; Tax deduction; Tax exemption; Taxpayer groups; Tax holiday
The series depicts the situation behind the scenes of the station's in-house infotainment program called Entertainment News as well as the personal situation of its crew. . The talents involved here portray those who prepare the program, such as its executive producer, producer, creative, production assistant, reporter, and camera person. and lastly, the hosts who present the Entertainment ...
Nonton TV Asiknya di NET. (Watching TV Can Be Exciting on NET.) (12 July 2019–31 December 2021) NET. Asiknya 24 Jam (NET., 24 Hours of Excitement) (22 March–31 May 2020) Kini Makin Asik (Now Even More Exciting) (1 January 2022–3 November 2024) Makin Dinanti (More Awaited) (4 November 2024–27 February 2025) As MDTV
Public Netbase was founded in 1994 by Austrian musician Konrad Becker and Francisco de Sousa Webber in Vienna's Messepalast (later renamed to Museumsquartier).It was a non-profit internet service provider and a platform for the participatory use and critical analyses of information and communication technology.