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  2. NDERF Home Page


    Near Death Experience Research Foundation the largest collection of Near Death Experiences (NDE) in over 23 Languages. With thousands of full-text near death experiences posted. Share your near death experience, research, spiritually transforming events, consciousness studies, extensive information and research.

  3. Exceptional Experiences - NDERF


    Everything was sharper and I could focus on it when I wanted to. Colors were clearer and vibrant. My field of view was all around. It was so beautiful and all the colors were unearthly beautiful. I was so happy and calm during all of my near death experience.

  4. Research Overview - NDERF


    Near death experiences (NDE) are reported in 4-9% of general community members and up to 23% of critical illness patients, although they can occur in healthy individuals who may think they are in peril.

  5. Share Near-Death Experience (NDE)


    Near Death Experience Research Foundation the largest collection of Near Death Experiences (NDE) in over 23 Languages. With thousands of full-text near death experiences posted. Share your near death experience, research, spiritually transforming events, consciousness studies, extensive information and research.

  6. Frequently Asked Questions - NDERF


    Near Death Experience In Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: A Prospective Study in the Netherlands, Pim van Lommel, et al, THE LANCET • Vol 358 • December 15, 2001, 2044. The commentary in the Lancet talks of NDEs being the result of false memories.

  7. Current NDEs


    NDE due to episode of unconsciousness from hypotension. Also, two ADCs from deceased wife. 5443. Greyson PC Probable NDE 7/25/2024. Probable NDE 13007. From Brazil. In my experience, there was green grass and several different types of flowers. There were also some trees that resembled cherry blossoms.

  8. Evidence for Survival of Consciousness in Near-Death Experiences...


    investigations of near-death experience (NDE) combined with the research that I am presenting in this article have convinced me, based on evidence, that our consciousness survives bodily death. Evidence for the reality of an afterlife is available from multiple lines of scholarly study.

  9. About Us - NDERF


    There are 3 websites devoted to different aspects of consciousness. www.nderf.org (Near death experience), www.adcrf.org (After death communication), and www.oberf.org (everything else that is not a NDE or ADC).

  10. Index / Sitemap - NDERF


    A. A NDE 8204A Child NDE 10039A Father's Story 10074Aad G NDE 865Aaron E NDE 4733Aaron M NDE 8350Abdul A NDE 3690Abby O NDE-like 8650Abi Probable NDE 9650Abigail K Probable NDE 7163Abraham B Probable NDE 3736Abrisham NDE 7393Achess NDE 893Ada R NDE 3336Adaline C NDE 3920Adam D NDE 3999Adam N NDE 5349Adam W NDE 9604Adele P Probable NDE ...

  11. NDERF Search


    There is a joint copyright between NDERF (Near-Death Experience Research Foundation, nderf.org) and those who shared their experiences with NDERF. Many of those who shared with NDERF over the years do not give permission to publish their experiences anywhere other than on the NDERF website.