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  2. Android download manager completed - Stack Overflow


    Small question about the download manager in android. It's the first time I'm working with it and have successfully downloaded multiple files and opened them. But my question is how do i check if the download completed. The situation is I download a PDF file and open it, and usually the file is so small it complets before opening.

  3. ANDROID - DOWNLOAD MANAGER - Stack Overflow


    Had the same problem, if you want to use Download Manager without the Storage permission try using. String destination = context.getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).toString() + "/" + nameOfFile; Uri destinationUri = Uri.fromFile(new File(destination)); request.setDestinationUri(destinationUri); instead of

  4. To use Download manager to download files in Android Q and below : If you are targeting Android Q(29) no need to opt-out of scoped storage. (android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" no need) Manifest file

  5. Possibly reported more than once in a row. // Useful for noticing when a download has been paused. For completions, register a receiver for // DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE. break; case FileObserver.OPEN: // Called for both read and write modes. // Useful for noticing a download has been started or resumed.

  6. The SDK manager window will appear, now you need to update/download other sdk packages (i.e platform-tools, system-images, platforms etc according to API levels) Note: I recommend downloading x86 images as they're much faster tham arm counterparts, also get intel HAXM (hardware accelerated execution manager) driver to significantly increase ...

  7. Use DownloadManager class (GingerBread and newer only) GingerBread brought a new feature, DownloadManager, which allows you to download files easily and delegate the hard work of handling threads, streams, etc. to the system.

  8. I'm trying to reproduce the same progress that DownloadManager shows in Notification bar inside my app, but my progress never is published. I'm trying to update it using runOnUiThread(), but for some

  9. Using ProgressBar with DownloadManager - Stack Overflow


    Solution. Step 1. Declare the following variables in your class // Indicate that we would like to update download progress private static final int UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS = 1; // Use a background thread to check the progress of downloading private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); // Use a hander to update progress bar on the main thread private final Handler ...

  10. This is my first time trying to implement DownloadManager and no matter what I try, I always get a notification saying "Download unsuccessful." I've looked at many other SO forums, a few tutorials,...

  11. file - Android Download Manager - Stack Overflow


    As far as I understand you can't pause/resume download manually. If you cancel the download then it totally depends on your server whether they support pause/resume feature or not. If yes then, after cancelling the download, if you start the download again it may actually resume it and don't start downloading from beginning.