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  2. Calcutta High Court - Cause Lists


    Welcome to the official site of Calcutta High Court. Visit here calcuttahighcourt.gov.in for causelist cause list cause-list case-status case status order judgement etc. NIC developed new website. search case calendar holiday list notices original side appellate side high court at calcutta display board ecourt tender notices pendancy of cases Judges Sesqui centenary Celebrations

  3. Calcutta High Court - Home


    HIGH COURT AT CALCUTTA. The Calcutta High Court is the oldest High Court in India. It was established on 1st July, 1862 under the High Court's Act, 1861. It has jurisdiction over the state of West Bengal and the Union Territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

  4. Calcutta High Court - Appellate side - eCourt India High Courts...


    Access eCourt India High Courts Services for the Calcutta High Court - Appellate side online.

  5. Calcutta High Court - Appellate side - eCourt India High Courts...


    Calcutta High Court - Appellate side. Cause List Report: Cause List Date : S3 

  6. Check cause lists of Circuit Bench of Calcutta High Court at Port...


    Check the online cause lists of Circuit Bench of Calcutta High Court at Port Blair. Users can get daily cause lists by selecting a date. Search options by lawyer name, case number, judge name, court number, petitioner or respondent name, etc. are also available.

  7. Check cause lists of High Court of Calcutta, West Bengal |...


    Search cause lists of Calcutta High Court. Access to daily and monthly cause lists of original side and appellate side is given. Users can check cause lists by court name, judge name, lawyer name, petitioner name, respondent name and case number.

  8. Calcutta High Court - Apps on Google Play


    This app helps the advocate and litigant to access Cause list, Case Status, Orders/Judgments, Display Board many more features. This app is currently having different sections which provide...

  9. Calcutta High Court - Circuit Bench At Port Blair - eCourt India ...


    High Courts of India: Calcutta High Court - Circuit Bench At Port Blair. Case Status. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act; Case Type; Case Orders/Judgement. Case Number; Filling Number; Judge Wise; Party Name; Order Date; Neutral Citation Number; Cause List ...

  10. Calcutta High Court - Circuit Bench At Port Blair


    Cause List Date : S4  E-COURTS High Courts of India: Calcutta High Court - Circuit Bench At Port Blair. Cause List Report: Cause List Date : S4 ...

  11. Calcutta High Court - Appellate side - eCourt India Services


    Calcutta High Court - Appellate side. Case Status : Search by Case Number Old Case Number New Case Number * Case Type Select Case Type Compulsory Field * Case Number Enter Maximum 7 digit of Case Number Compulsory Field * Year Please Enter Year in 4 digit Compulsory Field . Captcha Captcha * ...