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  2. America's Socialist Programs - detroityes.com


    America's Socialist Programs Lots of people like to play the "socialist" card in terms of the Obama administration. Where this is headed is anyone's guess, but let's take a look at what some people think is appropriate to be cut.

  3. What socialist services does the US government provide?


    The Philadelphia Convention (now also known as the Constitutional Convention, the Federal Convention, or the "Grand Convention at Philadelphia") took place from May 25 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to address problems in governing the United States of America, which had been operating under the Articles of Confederation following independence from Great Britain.

  4. What socialist services does the US government provide?


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  5. Obama Appoints self-proclaimed Socialist Van Jones "Green Jobs...


    No Socialist aspirations? No ties to former 60's radicals? One administration is just as corrupt as the next. Keep finger pointing at the other party, and keep the blinders up. Until America rejects the trash they keep electing, this Nation will still slide further into destruction.

  6. US Social Forum Detroit 2010 - DetroitYES Forums


    Since 1999 Detroit's oldest and largest online community serving the international metropolis of Detroit - Windsor and suburbs

  7. Woman punched in face as protesters disrupt democrat holiday...


    The cause and effect of being a hotbed,but the socialist and marxist party has been in the city and many others since the 1920s but outside of this the city seems to have kept them in-check verses what is happening elsewhere across the country.

  8. China’s Electric Vehicles Are Going to Hit Detroit Like a...


    Hugo Chavez had a net worth of 2 billion when he passed away,pretty good considering he went from being a dirt poor farmer to a billionaire while implementing a socialist society. Those at the top of socialist societies,in case you have not noticed, embrace capitalism,China is a communist country but yet after the U.S. has the most billionaires ...

  9. Investor's Business Daily vs. NHS and Stephen Hawking


    The screamers on talk radio and Fox News would have you believe that the plan is to turn America into the Soviet Union. But the truth is that the plans on the table would, roughly speaking, turn America into Switzerland — which may be occupied by lederhosen-wearing holey-cheese eaters, but wasn’t a socialist hellhole the last time I looked.

  10. Space programs, From launch to Orbit. - Science Forums


    Space programs, From launch to Orbit. By Zolar V December 16, 2010 in Speculations. Share

  11. College Physics vs. University Physics? - Science Forums


    I was taught calculus during a-levels (at 16/17, not sure what grade that would be in america) in maths. The physics we did contained a large portion of this basic calculus and i can't imaging how we would have done it without. Calculus involves rates of change of systems which is basically what a large portion of physics is.