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Yes, It is very normal to have a sword job for a while after a lower route canal. When the endodontist is working on that tooth they are putting a lot of pressure on that jar which can irritate the muscles and tendons. I would take add Bil it is very normal to have a sore jaw for a while after a lower route canal.
But, two weeks later, I was just driving my car and I felt that dreaded twinge in my jaw, reminiscent of the pain I had just after the first part of the root canal procedure, but nowhere near as intense. Ever since then, I keep feeling aches and twinges in the jaw bone and I guess the maxillary sinus just above it.
I mean, was the pain normal and just went away, or was it a return of the infection? I got a root canal 2 weeks ago (bottom molar) and got a temporary filling. About a week after the procedure I had intermittent throbbing pain, a metallic taste on the tooth, and severe pressure sensitivity.
there are a few things that could be causing the pain. after a root canal- the ligament around the tooth can take a while to settle down. also, if there was any infection around the root, it could be causing ongoing pain. as mentioned- if you are grinding or the bite is a little high, this would cause ongoing pain. it is possible that it is an issue following the injection, but less likely in ...
1 month ago I had 2 root canals done and ever since I've been miserable. It started with terrible pressure, pain, numbness and tingling in my jaw and face. Thank goodness most of that has subsided but I still have a really tight/tense clicking jaw. Sometimes it's painful but it's always uncomfortable. Almost like my jaw forgot how to work.
After I got home that night, my tooth started to ache, but I thought that was just normal soreness from the root canal. The pain progressed, and by the third day my tooth was throbbing so bad, it was extremely sensitive to pressure, my cheek was swollen, and I had a hard lump on my jaw ( not the gums, feels like it's actually on my jaw bone ...
I had a root canal on a molar 10.5 days ago. I was doing mostly okay, but starting last night had more dull ache pains coming on in the evening. I've been taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen regularly, although I did have a break from them yesterday. Maybe it allowed the swelling to start up...
I have this same issue with my jaw after a crown prep. I cannot fully open my mouth, and I get pain thay radiated from my ear down my jaw (bottom jaw, right side). I am also having pain in the tooth that was crowned (no root canal), so I had assumed it was the tooth causing it. Now I am wondering if it is a separate issue.
Hi there, I'm a very nervous patient and last week required a root canal for a large abscess on my front upper right tooth caused by a trauma to the tooth 15 years ago. The procedure was quite terrible for me. The injections to numb the infected tooth were incredibly painful - the first few...
It must be from muscle strain. I wish I would have known that. I did extract 2 molars without knowing that because root canal teeth were not settling. The endodontist didn’t want to take a risk as it was done previously by a bad dentist. So when the pain was not going down and I suggested extraction he immediately agreed.