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  2. Napoleon Township, MI


    Welcome to Napoleon Township MI #20 Safest City in Michigan: Township Offices 6755 Brooklyn Road P.O. Box 385 Napoleon, MI 49261 PH 517-536-8694 FAX 517-536-0112: Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm: Township Offices Closed Thursday November 28th - Thanksgiving Day :

  3. Napoleon Township, MI


    Napoleon Township Offices P.O. Box 385 Napoleon MI 49261: OVERNIGHT MAIL Napoleon Township Offices 6755 Brooklyn Road Jackson MI 49201: Police Department For Services Call 911 Administrative Phone: (517) 536-4487 Fire Department ... Michigan Municipal Guide. CLICK HERE FOR Latest Publication.

  4. Napoleon Township, MI


    We are committed to providing accurate property information to the various township departments, property owners, realtors, and private appraisers. Proposal A, passed by the voters March 15, 1994, places additional and profound limits on values used to compute property taxes.

  5. Napoleon Township, MI


    Napoleon Township, MI. 6755 Brooklyn Rd Napoleon, MI 49261 Ph: 517-536-8694 Directions. CLICK HERE Google Maps. Local Weather. CLICK HERE for local weather. Michigan Municipal Guide. CLICK HERE FOR Latest Publication. Powered by ...

  6. Napoleon Township, MI


    The Napoleon Township Fire Department provides fire and rescue services to Napoleon Township and the northern half of Norvell Township. We operate out of 2 fire stations, Station 1 is located at 6755 Brooklyn Rd, and Station 2 is located at 3800 Miles Rd.

  7. Napoleon Township, MI


    If you have received a tax bill for property you have sold, return the bill to the Township office with correction of name and address. Please check Principal Residence Exemption status. If it is incorrect, contact Napoleon Township Assessor, per 211.7cc of Michigan compiled laws.

  8. Napoleon Township, MI


    Sewage flows into the Summit Township which transports it to the City of Jackson. Summit Township maintains the system under contract with Napoleon Township. For SEWER EMERGENCIES ONLY call the Summit Township Public Works department at 517-783-4113. For extension of service call Napoleon Township.

  9. Napoleon Township, MI


    Application may be obtained by link below, or at the Napoleon Township Office between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Thursday. Questions may be directed to the Napoleon Township Fire Department at 517-536-8664.

  10. Napoleon Township, MI


    Meetings are the Fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Napoleon Township Hall, 6755 Napoleon Road. Applicant(s) or a representative must attend the meeting. Notice of the hearing will be sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the property where the zoning change, conditional use, or home occupation is being requested.

  11. Napoleon Township, MI


    Napoleon Township, MI. Skip to content. ... 7745 NAPOLEON Regular Meeting. document seq 0.00 OCTOBER - CASE #09-10-0012 - 7255 S BROOKLYN Regular Meeting. document seq 0.00 NOVEMBER - CASE #09-11-0014 - 6399 WHEATON ... Michigan Municipal Guide. CLICK HERE FOR Latest Publication.