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And about 440 species are endemic to Indonesia. This makes Indonesia as the 4th country with the largest endemic freshwater fish species, with Brazil (1716 species) in the 1st place, China (888) in the 2nd place and USA (593 species) in the 3rd place. (Dody94 2011) Below is the list of Indonesian endemic freshwater fishes:
Dams interrupt the migration of anadromous fish. Salmon and steelhead return to the streams in which they were born to spawn; where dams prevent their return, entire populations of salmon die. Some of the Columbia and Snake River dams employ fish ladders, which are effective to varying degrees at allowing these fish to travel upstream.
Pages in category "Columbia River" The following 84 pages are in this category, out of 84 total. ... Columbia River Gorge; Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission;
The bridgelip sucker (Catostomus columbianus) is a fish in the family Catostomidae that occupies the Columbia River system. Like all sucker fish, they live only in fresh water . Bridgelip suckers have a tendency to live in deeper waters during the day and move into shallower water around evening time.
The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) is a fishery resource for the treaty tribes of the Columbia River.Under the treaty, the native tribes, the Nez Perce Tribe, Warm Springs Reservation Tribe, and Umatilla Indian Reservation Tribe, have to the right to fish in the Columbia River, which means their fishery must be reserved and protected.
Pend Oreille River (British Columbia, Washington, Idaho; see below for sub-tributaries) Kootenay River (British Columbia, Idaho, Montana; see below for sub-tributaries) Hugh Keenleyside Dam and Arrow Lakes (British Columbia)
The Columbia River Estuary is an extremely biodiverse system, playing host (at some stage in their lifetime or another) to over 70 species of fish, hundreds of species of birds and many reptiles, mammals and amphibians. The number of invertebrate species has not been counted. [15]
P. Painted maskray; Pale catshark; Pangasius humeralis; Paracheilinus alfiani; Parachela cyanea; Parachela hypophthalmus; Paracrossochilus vittatus; Paradise threadfin