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  2. What are the main powers of the executive branch? - Answers


    The powers of the judicial branch are contained in Article III of the Constitution, but those powers are not over the executive branch...they are separate from the powers of the legislative and ...

  3. What power does the executive branch have over the judicial ... -...


    The President (Executive Branch) has the power to appoint US Supreme Court justices and other (Article III ) federal judges. subject to approval by the Senate. He can and does choose judges who ...

  4. What are the three powers of the executive branch? - Answers


    The executive branch has limited powers because of the constitution. This branch is prohibited from creating new laws and legislation. They are also not allowed to declare war.

  5. What powers does the constitution give to the legislative branch?


    The executive branch appoints judges and the legislative branch approves the choice of the executive branch. Again, the branches check and balance each other so that no one branch has too much power.

  6. What are the 2 key powers of the Executive branch? - Answers


    The executive branch has multiple important powers 2 important one would be: 1.) Commander-in-cheif- determining military policies 2.) Head of Government- Running the functions of the state

  7. What are the powers denied to the executive branch? - Answers


    The executive branch has limited powers because of the constitution. This branch is prohibited from creating new laws and legislation. They are also not allowed to declare war.

  8. How does the executive branch check the powers of the supreme...


    The Judicial Branch can determine acts/laws unconstitutional to check the powers of both the Legislative and Executive Branch. The Executive Branch may veto Legislative acts, however, the ...

  9. What powers does the constitution give to the judicial branch?


    The Constitution give the Executive branch the power to sign or veto a law. Gives the Legislative branch the power to make the laws. And gives the Judicial branch the power to make sure the laws ...

  10. What powers does the constitution give to the executive branch?


    The expressed powers of the President of the United States are set down in Article II of the Constitution. The major function of the executive branch is to enforce the laws.The powers are of two ...

  11. What power does the judicial branch hold over the executive ... -...


    In this system, power is divided between three branches - Executive, Legislative and Judicial - with each branch holding primary authority (called "Separation of Powers") over a major function of ...