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The Jakarta Charter (Indonesian: Piagam Jakarta) was a document drawn up by members of the Indonesian Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence (BPUPK) on 22 June 1945 in Jakarta that later formed the basis of the preamble to the Constitution of Indonesia.
Jimly Asshiddiqie (2005), Konstitusi dan Konstitutionalisme Indonesia (Indonesia Constitution and Constitutionalism), MKRI, Jakarta. Jimly Asshiddiqie (1994), Gagasan Kedaulatan Rakyat dalam Konstitusi dan Pelaksanaannya di Indonesia (The Idea of People's Sovereignty in the Constitution), Ichtiar Baru - van Hoeve, Jakarta, ISBN 979-8276-69-8.
Pancasila discourse during reformation has been colored by political antagonism of between radical Islamism by bold statements such as “Pancasila is in contradiction with Islam” and “those who follow the Pancasila will perish” and secular nationalist who says that “Pancasila adalah harga mati” (Pancasila is non-negotiable; now and ...
The single-principle obligation received mixed reaction among Indonesian Muslims. While major Muslim organisations Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) endorsed the single-principle basis, independent Muslim activists rejected the obligation.
Some universally recognised rights that are seen as fundamental, i.e., contained in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, or the U.N. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, include the following:
In international law, extraterritoriality or exterritoriality is the state of being exempted from the jurisdiction of local law, usually as the result of diplomatic negotiations.
ECOSOC Resolution 2007/25: Support to non-self-governing territories by the specialized agencies and international institutions associated with the United Nations (26 July 2007)
International human rights law (IHRL) is the body of international law designed to promote human rights on social, regional, and domestic levels. As a form of international law, international human rights law is primarily made up of treaties, agreements between sovereign states intended to have binding legal effect between the parties that have agreed to them; and customary international law.