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The Australian dollar peeked through the 200 day EMA, showing signs of strength again, and now it looks as if we need to confirm a longer-term break out. AUD/USD Price Forecast – Australian ...
The Australian dollar initially tried to break out during the trading session on Friday but as you can see the 200 day EMA has offered significant amount of resistance. AUD/USD Price Forecast ...
The Australian dollar continues to be very choppy, as we are trying to figure out where the market is getting ready to go next. AUD/USD Price Forecast – Australian Dollar Continues to Grind Sideways
The Australian dollar has rallied rather significantly against the US dollar during trading on Friday, slicing above the 0.74 level. Because of this, I think that we are going to continue to see ...
The Australian dollar continues to be very choppy and noisy right around the 200 day EMA, an area that will cause a lot of attention for longer-term technical traders.
The Australian dollar initially tried to rally during the trading session on Wednesday to save itself at the 0.60 level, but then collapsed towards the 0.59 level. This is a major breakdown.
The Australian dollar has gone back and forth during the trading session on Friday as we head into the weekend. There is a lot of noise out there, so this of course will have major influence on ...
The Australian dollar got hit on Tuesday, with more volatility in the markets overall. Furthermore, Jerome Powell is speaking for the next couple of days. AUD/USD Price Forecast – Australian ...