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  2. 2. I'm trying to simulate the working of t-flipflop. wire sbar, rbar; assign sbar= ~(t & clk & qbar & clear); assign rbar= ~(t & clk & q); assign q= ~(sbar & qbar); assign qbar= ~(rbar & q & clear); Now in output the value of q toggles when t=1, but the value of qbar is always 1. Also when t=1, q is always 0 and qbar is 1.

  3. Testbench for T Flip Flop using D Flip Flop in VHDL


    2. Your 'U' is caused by the output of the D flip flop being used in a combinatorial expression without being reset to a known state. The simplest way to get the D flip flop buried in the T flip flop entity reset to a known would be to add a second process to the test bench along the lines: RESET_PROC: process. begin. wait for 5 ns; reset <= '1';

  4. T-flip flop in Verilog - Stack Overflow


    I want to build a T-flip flop in Verilog. So far I have written the following code, but I wish they could see if it is correct please. The machine I was using to make the code is in the image. module flopJK(q,j,k,c); input j,k,c; output q; reg q; always @(posedge c) begin.

  5. T flip flop VHDL code - Stack Overflow


    I am learning VHDL and I ran into the following code: Entity fft is port (t, r: in bit; q: out bit); End entity; Architecture fft_df of fft is signal state: bit :='0'; Begin state <='0' when r='1' else not state when t='0' and t'event else state; q<=state; End; Well, my doubt is about what this code does and if or not this is a behavioral or ...

  6. vhdl - Designing T-Flipflop on Quartus - Stack Overflow


    I'm new to VHDL, and I wanna design a T Flip-Flip that toggles and change Q based on T input, and here is what I have library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.

  7. 4-bit counter using T-flipflop in verilog. I'm trying to design a 4-bit counter with T-flipflop, here's what i did: 1 - From a D-flipflop to T-flipflop: with RTL shematic : following this "D_ff to T_ff" conversion: 2 - Then, i instantiated 4 T-flipflops in the top module and connected the output of each flipflop to the clk of the next one:

  8. Just have to use a bonus coil to get your edge triggered value on the invert, and be careful of execution order, this should be functionally equivalent to a T flip flop though, biased towards Q on first scan. Hope that helps! Depending on how you want to use it you may or may not require the independent Q and Q' coils, you can possibly just get ...

  9. I am new to VHDL and I can't see a solution to my problem. I want to find a VHDL code for my 3-bit sequence counter with T Flip Flop's which goes: ..,0,4,5,7,6,2,3,1,0,... I made a truth table and minimized equations for T_FF like so: T0=Q2 xor Q1 xor Q0; T1=(Q2 xor Q1) and Q0; T2= not(Q2 xor Q1) and Q0; Then I draw the circuit: Last VHDL: T ...

  10. I'm very new to Verilog HDL and I have to code this 4bit up down counter. With the help of some reading on up-down counters and t flipflops, I already made the following code: module up_down_4bitcounter (. out, up_down, clk, data, reset. );

  11. Due to the T-flip flop is sequential circuit, first I gave the output value as 1 or 0 for one output (Q) to start to the process. T flip flop truth table and block diagram. simulation waveform. code for AND gate: Y : in STD_LOGIC; W : in STD_LOGIC; Z : out STD_LOGIC); code for NOR gate: B : in STD_LOGIC;