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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. Proof Calculator: Easily Determine Alcohol Content


    Proof Calculator: Easily Determine Alcohol Content. This proof calculator tool will help you accurately convert alcohol by volume percentages to proof numbers, ensuring you understand the strength of your beverages.

  3. Alcohol Proofing Dilution Calculator – Still'n The Clear


    Here's a simple alcohol dilution calculator that tells you exactly how much water to add to your alcohol to proof it down to a specific ABV%. You can also toggle between liters or gallons.

  4. Alcohol Distilling Calculators


    Here's some calcuators you can use for things like alcohol dilution or even proofing to make sure you're on the right track. It also makes the buying process a little easier because you only have to buy what you need and not guess.

  5. Alcohol Drink Size Calculator - Rethinking Drinking | NIAAA


    Convert proof to alc/vol. Enter in the proof of the alcohol in the left field to automatically calculate the alc/vol.

  6. ABV Calculator (Alcohol by Volume)


    If you want to calculate the alcohol content of your homebrew beer 🍺, this ABV calculator (alcohol by volume calculator) is the perfect tool for you. It will help you estimate the percentage of alcohol in any liquor based on its initial and final specific gravity.

  7. Alcohol Dilution Calculator


    Our alcohol dilution calculator allows you to compute the amount of alcohol needed for homemade wines, beers, tinctures, or any other alcohol solutions.

  8. Whiskey Proofing Calculator Online


    The Whiskey Proofing Calculator is a digital tool designed to compute the alcohol content in a whiskey batch, represented in proof units, using the Alcohol by Volume (ABV) percentage.

  9. Proof Alcohol Percentage Calculator


    Easily calculate proof alcohol percentage with our user-friendly calculator. Perfect for brewers, distillers, and enthusiasts.

  10. Whiskey proof & whiskey dilution calculator - Craft Cask


    Discover the ease of finding the perfect alcohol content with our Whiskey Dilution and Alcohol Proofing Calculators. Designed for enthusiasts and distillers alike, whether at home or in a distillery, our tools streamline the calculation process.

  11. Spirit Dilution Calculator - DIY Distilling


    This spirit dilution calculator is used to calculate the amount of water needed to dilute high-proof spirits DOWN to a desired alcohol percentage.