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  2. Blockage in Sphenoid Sinus Causes Daily Headaches


    Posted by sharlynn62 @sharlynn62, Nov 30, 2018. I have had chronic sinusitis for several years, accompanied by daily headaches and my ENT, as well as a MRI of my brain have confirmed that my sphenoid sinus (the sinus in the back of your face that is inside your brain) is completed blocked, and their is a build up of mucous like cells ...

  3. Sphenoid Sinus Surgery: Anyone had their sinuses drained?


    I was referred to Mayo ENT and had sphenoid surgery to clear the blocked sinuses and serious infections. I tried sinus rinses for several months, to no avail. Then, the doctor added a special antibiotic medication to use with the rinse. The infection I had was antibiotic-resistant, but this did nothing to help either.

  4. mucosal thickening left sphenoid air cells. mild mucosal...


    Do know that most CT scans on anyone will show mild mucosal thickening. Especially in the maxillary sinuses. That is what the mucosa in the nose is meant to do. On a daily basis. This is a normal response to temperatures, allergens, foods. A CT scan of the sinuses is just a snap shot in time, of what is occurring on that day at that given time.

  5. Blockage in Sphenoid Sinus Causes Daily Headaches


    Doctor said the two sphenoid sinus cavities, which are located behind your eyes, were completely impacted with infection. About two to three week PRIOR to surgery, I had severe headaches constantly that were on the left side of my head, temporal area, behind my ear and down into my neck.

  6. Seven sinus specimens in a series of 119 reviewed by ... the ethmoid sinuses revealing complete opacification of the right anterior and posterior ethmoids as well as the right sphenoid sinus. The ...

  7. Strengths of CT and endoscopy. The best method to visualize the osteomeatal complex pathology and to diagnose local underlying causes of recurrent or chronic sinusitis is the CT scan. [4] CT is ...

  8. Can a maxillary sinus retention cyst be cancerous?


    The ENT told Joe that he could feel the lump on the outside wall of the maxillary sinus and said that it is either a cyst or a tumor. The ENT gave Joe medication to clear up the congestion and mucus, and then he is to have a CT scan in 2 weeks. We are all devastated at the possibility of this being a tumor.

  9. Vestn Otorinolaringol - Content Listing - Medscape


    From Vestnik otorinolaringologii. 2023 - 88 (5) [«Our whole family does not get out of the common cold»: an ear, throat and nose disease in the conditions of S.P. Botkin]. January 01, 2023 ...

  10. Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN): Sinus problem trigger


    The tension in my lower neck, ear area and teeth dissipated quickly. The facial pain and sensitivity rolled back, notably in the sinus area and I noticed a clear improvement in the right eye and overall pain diminished by 90 % over the following hours. I had thought that the trigger was a sonic toothbrush I had bought and started using a few ...

  11. Acute sinusitis has been defined by the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery as a sinus infection in which symptoms last less than 4 weeks. If the symptoms persist beyond 12 ...