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  2. Calibrate Game Controller in Windows 10 | Tutorials - Ten Forums


    1 Connect the game controller you want to reset calibration to default for. 2 Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click/tap on the Devices and Printers icon. 3 Under Devices, right click or press and hold on your game controller's icon, and click/tap on Game controller settings. (see screenshot below)

  3. Game Controller Support - Tesla Motors Club


    One last comment on game controller support: Currently, a total of 2 Bluetooth connections are supported. This means a max of 2 controllers...and if you want to have 2 game controllers connected at the same time, you will need to disconnect your phone. May be relevant if you have 2 passengers playing games in the back seat.

  4. What is the best controller for playing the games on Tesla?


    Adaptors and controllers all fully updated. Xbox and every other interfering bluetooth device powered off etc. They won't even pair with the adaptor plugged into a pc or a Mac. I think something must definitely have changed with the latest xbox one controllers or their software. Neither MayFlash nor 8BitDo adaptors will pair with them at all.

  5. Why do I have so many audio drivers - confusing. - Ten Forums


    Since I upgraded to windows 10, Pro, version 1909, I have been having audio issues. I tried several things and nothing helps. I took a look at my Device Manager and expanded my Sound, video, and game controller menu and I have the following drivers listed

  6. Bluetooth Game Controllers - Latest Update 2023.26


    Not all Xbox controllers support Bluetooth. And then some support classic Bluetooth and others support Bluetooth low energy. Depends on the hardware version of the xbox controller. I believe Tesla is using Bluetooth classic rather than BLE, so there will be a subset of xbox controllers that work.

  7. Compatible game controllers for 2022 MYLR | Tesla Motors Club


    The Xbox controllers for the past many years have a USB-C port on them; you can use that with the Tesla just fine. Confirmed today in our 2022 MYP - *glovebox* USB-A connection: Ancient wired Xbox 360 controller via dongle to USB-A

  8. USB game controllers which work... - Tesla Motors Club


    In the 2021 refresh model 3 will the power a Xbox controllers work from the centre console USB C sockets or do they need to plug into the glovebox? Are any of the powerA Xbox controllers come with type c compatible wires or we need to use an adaptor and if we are using adapter will it work with cuphead and beach buggy games?

  9. what is the best wired/wireless controller for model 3


    what would be the current best choice of wired/wireless controller for the model 3? I have a 2021 model 3, with it I tried the PowerA Enhanced Wired Controller for Nintendo Switch (worked for only one game). I also tried Xbox Wireless Controller x/s + Mayflash (could not connect wirelessly, but...

  10. Best wireless game controller for Tesla games


    What's the best wireless controller that will work with Tesla games (MCU 2.0)? Are there any 2 player Tesla games where two players can play at the same time with two controllers? Ideally if it is small enough to fit inside the glove box with a few other things already in the glovebox that...

  11. preferred game controller for MY | Tesla Motors Club


    Hi All I'm looking to buy a set of game controllers to keep in my MY (Johnny 5) and wanted to see what set up other people have. I've seen some posts about the EasySMX wired controller, but the reviews on amazon show that they break/lose functionality rather quickly. Any help would be...