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  2. United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Missouri "Ensuring equal treatment for both debtors and creditors..." Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 Clerk's Office: (314) 244-4500 CM/ECF Help Desk: (866) 803-9517 McVCIS (Case Information System): 1-866-222-8029 #1,6,1,7,3

  3. Rules and Procedures | Eastern District of Missouri | United...


    United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Missouri Hon. Bonnie L. Clair, Chief Judge • Dana C. McWay, Clerk of Court

  4. Select from the menu on the left to access Official Bankruptcy Forms or chapter specific Local Forms. - Explanation of Changes to the Chapter 13 Plan, effective December 1, 2019 - Pending Changes in the Bankruptcy Forms

  5. eSR (Electronic Self-Representation) | Eastern District of...


    eSR is an online tool to help individuals complete a Chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy petition when they have decided to file bankruptcy without an attorney. Who can use eSR? Individuals who wish to file a bankruptcy petition and who live in the Eastern District of Missouri can use eSR.

  6. Case Information Search | Eastern District of Missouri | United...


    United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Missouri Hon. Bonnie L. Clair, Chief Judge • Dana C. McWay, Clerk of Court

  7. United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Missouri

    www.moeb.uscourts.gov/sites/moeb/files/EDMO Local Rules...

    United States Bankruptcy Court . Eastern District of Missouri. Dana C. McWay . Clerk of Court . LOCAL RULES OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE (as revised effective December 1, 2022) Adopted by: Honorable Bonnie L. Clair, Chief Judge . Honorable Kathy A. Surratt-States . Honorable Barry S. Schermer

  8. What is Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a federal court proceeding designed to provide individuals and businesses with a way to address debt problems. It is intended to provide debtors with a “fresh start” or debt relief, while treating creditors fairly.

  9. The Bankruptcy Clerk's Office is located in the Eastern District of Missouri, in St. Louis, Missouri. There are three divisions, two of which are outlying: the Northern Division, located in Hannibal, Missouri; and the Southeastern Division, located in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

  10. Electronic Proof of Claim Filing/Supplementation/Withdrawal


    eWOC (Electronic Withdrawal of Claim Filing) is a program designed to streamline withdrawals of claim by allowing Creditors to withdraw a claim or amended claim via the internet. The Bankruptcy Court has developed Local Form 50 (Withdrawal of Claim) to further ease the process of withdrawing claims.

  11. United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Missouri Hon. Bonnie L. Clair, Chief Judge • Dana C. McWay, Clerk of Court