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The thing about big finishers is that they usually are just an indication of how the game is going. Craterhoof, exsanguinate, they are all telegraphed. If I die to a Craterhoof, that means they got a larger board presence than me and resolved Craterhoof. If I don't have an answer to both those conditions, I deserve to lose, full stop.
Craterhoof would really help my Chulane deck but it’s outside my budget so I’m looking for cheap alternatives, understanding of course that any alternative won’t be nearly as good. A couple of budget cards I’m trying are Waker of the Wilds and Molimo, Maro-sorcerer but these don’t get there.
Craterhoof Behemoth - Gatherer, MC, , edhrec Ensnaring Bridge - Gatherer, MC, , edhrec Fight to the Death - Gatherer, MC, , edhrec Hushwing Gryff - Gatherer, MC, , edhrec Sunforger - Gatherer, MC, , edhrec Torpor Orb - Gatherer, MC, , edhrec Call cards (max 30) with [[NAME]] Add!!! in front of your post to get a pm with all blocks replaced by ...
Green decks can use craterhoof behemoth because they ramp, something that white can't do efficiently. Plus, craterhoof behemoth has haste, which is quite significant. I don't think this will see some competitive play, at least in Pioneer, maybe in commander.
The question is, assuming your cube is in for the most powerful magic and you only want to run only one of the effect, what card is simply better, [[Craterhoof Behemoth]] or [[End-Raze Forerunners]]? Most people I have asked this to have never even considered the question before because it seems obvious the answer would be Craterhoof.
Craterhoof Behemoth enters the stack to apply its ability, Player2 cast 'Dress Down', This resolves first when it is on top of the stack, it leaves the other creatures without abilities, but 'Craterhoof Behemoth''s ability is already on the stack, if the ability is not countered from the stack, it will still apply its effects, there are cards ...
End-Raze is definitely my go-to “we have Craterhoof at home”. I also like [[Earthshaker Giant]], and [[Kamahl, Fist of Krosa]] has a niche as a “reusable craterhoof” type effect. Though, usually when you do the craterhoof thing you’re trying to swing for game so maybe that’s not so necessary.
Since you wanted to hear options outside your commander as well as green, [[Marton Stromgald]] kinda does the same sort of "turns go wide into go tall" thing Craterhoof does. Old guy's astounding for any sort of swarmy goblin type of build, and there are some nice tricks to make him reusable if necessary.
Craterhoof can work in any version of elves. Not always optimal and in some games it is uncastible but damn it feels good to cast and win with when it works. I say use that craterhoof for at least a few weeks, get a feel for it, savor it and if you it brings you joy keep using it. Also a single nykthos or a pair fit in well with craterhoof lists.
I'm not gonna apologize to a groaning table, over steadily playing a bunch of creatures and then strategically saving Cavern of Souls to drop Craterhoof uncounterably. Sorry for the rant, just recently got some sassy attitude from a guy that says Craterhoof is an unfair card. No. Primeval Titan was unfair. Sylvan Primordial wasnt fair.