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  2. Property Tax | Montgomery County, AL


    Search. Service Finder. Service Finder. I Want To... Category 1 Select. Request… Find. Appliance Pick Up. LEARN MORE. Learn More about. Close. Jobs Agendas ... You are now exiting the Montgomery County, AL. The Montgomery County, AL is not responsible for the content of external sites.

  3. Online Services | Montgomery County, AL


    Montgomery County, AL Home Menu. Search. Service Finder. Service Finder. I Want To... Category 1 Select. Request… Find. Appliance Pick Up. LEARN MORE. Learn More about ... Probate Records; Property Tax Information; Things to do in Montgomery County; Voting & Registration Information; Pay.

  4. Welcome Page


    • The ability to access Tax related Information, such as assessments, property records, deeds and tax maps at anytime. • File your Homestead Exemption. Click Here

  5. GIS Viewer - Montgomery, AL


    Explore Montgomery's interactive GIS map tool to search property records, zoning, and more.

  6. Property Tax - Alabama Department of Revenue


    Property Tax advises and assists county revenue officials, county commissioners, and boards of equalization with administering property taxes. All taxable real and personal property, with the exception of public utility property, is assessed on the local level at the county courthouse with the county assessing official.

  7. County Offices/Appraisal and Assessment Records - Alabama...


    Madison County. Cliff Mann, Tax Assessor Madison County Courthouse 1918 N. Memorial Parkway, 2nd floor Huntsville, AL 35801 Visit Madison County’s Website Visit Madison County’s Online Record Search (for Appraisal & Assessment Records) Visit Madison County’s Mapping Website. 256-532-3350 FAX: 256-532-6942 256-532-3350 Appraisal Office

  8. Montgomery County, AL Plat Map - Property Lines - AcreValue


    The AcreValue Montgomery County, AL plat map, sourced from the Montgomery County, AL tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres.

  9. Montgomery County - mcrealestate


    This site provides access to the real estate, tax record information, and GIS maps of Montgomery County. The Montgomery County Auditor makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible.

  10. Montgomery County Assessor's Office


    The Montgomery County Tax Assessor's Office oversees the appraisal and assessment of properties as well as the billing and collection of property taxes for all taxable real estate located in Montgomery County.

  11. GIS and Cadastral Mapping | Montgomery County, AL


    Cadastral maps provide a comprehensive register of the extent, value and ownership of land. Cadastral and/or parcel data layers are an integral part of the foundation of Montgomery County's GIS. They are also an essential part of the assessment/appraisal process.