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  2. Install Wii U Games, DLC and Updates using Wii U WUP Installer...


    Extract Wii U WUP Installer Y Mod to \wiiu\apps\wupinstaller on your Wii U's SD card This will allow Wii U WUP Installer Y Mod to be loaded from the Homebrew Channel like any other Wii U homebrew application. 2. How to prepare content to install with Wii U WUP Installer Y Mod: On your Wii U's SD card create a folder called install.

  3. Wii U Permanent Homebrew Channel / Launcher Exploit Tutorial ......


    If you load the DS game (Homebrew Launcher Icon) to get back to the Homebrew Launcher you will crash the Wii U. Congratulations you now have a 100% reliable way to launch Homebrew: This tutorial uses the Haxchi hack worked on by smea, FIX94, plutoo, yellows8, naehrwert and derrek along with the Homebrew Launcher created by dimok.

  4. Easy Nintendo Wii U Homebrew Channel Hack Guide [5.3.2, 5.4, 5...


    It's now possible to permanently install the Homebrew Launcher to the Wii U's Home Screen, now you have a working Homebrew entry point you can now follow this tutorial Wii U Permanent Homebrew Channel / Launcher Install, the end result been you no longer have to launch Homebrew from the Wii U's web browser. The added benefit is the boot rate is ...

  5. Wii U - Simple Signature Patcher [Sysnand CFW Signature Patcher]...


    Wii U Simple Signature Patcher is a simple Wii U IOSU signature, hash, region and other checks patcher for your System Nand (Sysnand). It gives you the same ability as a custom firmware with signature patches except it does not require a custom fw.img on your SD card, or anything else. This makes it perfectly shareable in contrary to a full fw.img.

  6. Wii U Permanent Homebrew Channel / Launcher Hack [Haxchi ... -...


    This tutorial will teach you how to install a permanent Homebrew Channel icon on your 5.5.1 Wii U. The end result will be you can load the Homebrew Launcher from the Wii U’s home screen, just like any other app or game. The Homebrew Launcher will load first time, every time, unlike the unreliable web browser exploit we have had to use until now.

  7. Homebrew Launcher 1.4 Download - Digiex


    Homebrew Launcher WiiU Homebrew Launcher [ATTACH] Loads WiiU homebrew from SD card and from network. Download Homebrew Launcher 1.4 Credit: Dimok...

  8. Tiramisu Environment Released For The Wii U (Free Homebrew ... -...


    Tiramisu is a homebrew environment for the Wii U. This is an alternative to the Haxch Wii U Hack, with some extra features. The advantage of Tiramisu is that no DS VC game needs to be purchased to set it up, so it will be possible to hack a Wii U even if these are no longer any exploitable DS games available on the Eshop. Tiramisu features:

  9. Nintendo Wii U Guides - Digiex


    Wii U Permanent Homebrew Channel / Launcher Exploit Tutorial [5.5.1 to 5.5.3 Haxch Wii U Hack] ...

  10. Download Wii U Games / Updates For USB Y Mod Install Using Wii U...


    The most convenient way to play all the Wii U games you own is loading them from a USB hard drive, directly from the Wii U homescreen. However to do this on a Wii U that is not running Custom Firmware the games need a ticket file from a retial Wii U disc along with the games content formatted in a certain way. This is where Wii U USB Helper ...

  11. Wii U Homebrew Channel Hack Guide From Start To Finish


    Part 3: Extract Wii U WUD's (Encrypted ISO Images) for use with Loadiine GX2 As always we have tried to make our guides as easy and detailed as possible, remember the Wii U homebrew scene is in its infancy, however even so game mods, level editors are already out there. We expect things to progress a lot as the year goes on. Updated on 07.05.16 ...