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  2. Victim Impact: Listen and Learn - OVC TTAC


    This Office for Victims of Crime-funded curriculum is geared toward helping offenders to first become aware of the impact that crime has on victims and then to take responsibility and make amends for their actions.

  3. The purpose of the Victim Impact Panel (VIP) program is to help drunk and drugged driving offenders to recognize and internalize the lasting and long-term effects of substance-impaired driving. The classes seek to create an empathy and understanding of the tragedy, leave a permanent impression that leads to changes in thinking and behavior and ...



    Find a Victim Impact Panel below. If you can't find a VIP in your area please contact your local MADD office to assist you or check to see if you are eligible for an Online Victim Impact Panel. Please email VIPsupport@madd.org regarding questions with an in-person MADD class.

  5. Victim Impact: Listen and Learn Curriculum | OVC


    The Victim Impact Curriculum requires a unique learning environment to enable the "power of the personal story" and its impact on offender thinking and behavior to unfold. The curriculum consists of 13 units, each requiring 2.5 hours to complete.

  6. Online MADD Victim Impact Panel


    If you would like to take the MADD Victim Impact Panel class online, please review the enrollment process below: To start the class, please visit https://online.maddvip.org; Once there, click the red button “Check Eligibility” to start the class.

  7. Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance...


    This Office for Victims of Crime-funded curriculum is geared toward helping offenders to first become aware of the impact that crime has on victims and then to take responsibility and make amends for their actions.

  8. New Mexico Victim Impact Panels


    Helping drunk and drugged driving offenders understand the lasting and long-term effects of substance impaired driving. Find a Victim Impact Panel below. If you did not find a MADD Victim Impact Panel near you, please visit online.maddvip.org to see if you are eligible for the MADD Online VIP.

  9. Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance...


    This Office for Victims of Crime-funded curriculum is geared toward helping offenders to first become aware of the impact that crime has on victims and then to take responsibility and make amends for their actions.

  10. Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance...


    Victim Impact: Listen and Learn consists of 13 units, built around 10 core crime topics: property crime, assault, robbery, hate and bias, gang violence, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, drunk and impaired driving, and homicide.

  11. DUI Victim Impact Panel


    A DUI Victim Impact panel provides a community perspective on DUI. The panel allows victims and survivors of DUI to tell their stories. The goal of the panel is to reduce DUI by showing its harm to the community.