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  2. Mass State Police Code List? | RadioReference.com Forums


    Hi,Is there a current list of codes, Ive found one,but there are some codes missing. I hear a -Code 20- called out that sounded like a disabled MV.. The list I have skips from 18 to 22.. Heres what I currently have.. 1 Standby for Emergency (All units to stay off the air) 2 Phone your Barracks (also refers to Cell Phone capability)

  3. Akron Police codes/signals - RadioReference.com Forums


    Here is a list af those codes. I found them on this link. www.bearcat1.com When you go to the link go to the frequency sampler and click on the list of 10 codes and for what state you want. AKRON POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 PERSONAL 2 MEET A PARTY 3 LUNCH 4 DRUNK

  4. 900 codes Sacramento - RadioReference.com Forums


    From RADIO CODES & SIGNALS - CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO POLICE CODES: 901 Vehicle Accident 925 Location 901A Injury Accident 926 Dead Body 906 Making Arrival 927 Suspicious Circumstances/Veh. 907 Report Writing (after call) 928 Narcotics/Under Influence

  5. Vermont state police codes - RadioReference.com Forums


    Police and emergency 10 codes. There are 4 sets of codes commonly used in the US, the general code is the most common. Other codes include the Association of Police Communications Offers (APCO), Norfolk, VA, and Walnut Creek, CA ten (10) codes.

  6. 10 codes for Charlotte/Meck. area - RadioReference.com Forums


    Here are the 10-codes for CMPD. The Fire uses some of the same ones and in other cases have their own set of numbers. Also, NCHP uses their own 10-codes. Hope this helps. Charlotte-Mecklenberg, NC Police Radio Codes 10 - 1 Signal Weak 2 Signal Good 3 Stop Transmitting 4 Affirmative 5 Relay

  7. CT PD Codes - RadioReference.com Forums


    North Haven Police Radio Codes: North Haven Police Radio Codes: 1-Evading 2-Stolen Car 3-Recovered Car 4-A.P.B. 5-DWI 6-Motor Vehicle Stop 7-Suspicious Vehicle 8-Town Garage 9-Phone_ 10-Out of Service 11-Lunch 12-In Service 13-Complaint 14-Juveniles 15-Meet Officer_ 16-Inoxicated Person 17-Suspicious Person 18-Homicide 19-Robbery

  8. Houston Codes - RadioReference.com Forums


    As for HFD, the only 10-codes they still use are 10-50 (fatality/deceased person) and 10-24 (arson investigator.) Everything else is plain language or self-explanatory. There is also a fourth (fifth?) want/warrant-carrying computer database that sounds something like "capeas."

  9. Philly codes - RadioReference.com Forums


    For the most part, the PPD uses very few numerical codes over the radio. On most days you will the following: 45 - Auto Accident Report 48 - Incident Report 302 - Mental Case 369 - Off Duty Police Officer 1037 - Drunk Driver 5292 - Dead Body You will also hear the following disposition codes: UNF - Unfounded RTF - Report to Follow GOA - Gone on ...

  10. Police Codes and abbreviations - | RadioReference.com Forums


    There are also agencies in Cali. that use 11 codes, like CHP and San Bernardino Sheriff's. Code 9 for LASD does not mean a pursuit it is a pre stop request for coordination on a high risk vehicle. For example a unit runs a vehicle on the MDT and the vehicle comes back 10-29V (stolen).

  11. Police Codes - RadioReference.com Forums


    A great example was Katrina, where police and fire folks from all over the country were there, trying to work together. Besides the RADIO problems themselves, there was quite a bit of confusion when people from, say NYPD, New Orleans, and the California Highway Patrol would try to talk with each other... each using totally different radio codes.