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  2. Who is the Roman goddess of water? - Answers


    the wateress of Rome. Wiki User. ∙ 14y ago. This answer is:

  3. Greek gods name beginning with letter k? - Answers


    Pleas note that the names posted are altenate names for these gods Keto- Goddess of trouble at sea. Khione- Godddess of snow. Khloris- Goddess of spring flowers. Khronos- God of time. Koios- Titan ...

  4. Who were the the gods of nineveh? - Answers


    Some notable gods worshipped in Nineveh included Ashur, the chief god and city god of Assur, Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, and Shamash, the god of the sun and justice. Each god held ...

  5. What are the names of God in various Kenyan tribes? - Answers


    Venus is named after the roman goddess of love, Neptune the roman god of water. Saturn the roman god of farming, Mars the roman god of war, Jupiter the ruler of all the roman gods. Uranus however ...

  6. What is the possessive form of the word goddess? - Answers


    The possessive form for the plural noun teeth is teeth's.Example: The teeth's luster shows well in the photograph.Example: Her teeth's whiteness is the result of a special treatment.

  7. What does Venusian mean? - Answers


    What is the difference between earths atmosphere and Venus? Venusian atmospheric pressure is much greater than that of earth--IIRC about 90 bar of pressure vs only 1 for earth.

  8. What is the distinguishment between fairies pixies nymphs and...


    What were some of fairies important holidays? Fairy CalanderMarch 15th: Festival of the River Nymphs and water Fae.May 1st: (May Day) Beltane. Fairies ride out from their hills on this day to ...

  9. Why does a rocket need to be light? - Answers


    A lighter rocket requires less fuel to launch into space, resulting in lower costs and increased efficiency. Lighter rockets also experience less stress during launch and can achieve higher speeds ...

  10. Is dhiman a scheduled caste in Himachal Pradesh? - Answers


    No, Dhiman is a Craftsman caste of India.Dhimans are a community or caste who have adopted engineering, art and architecture professions in India, and are followers of Lord Vishwakarma.

  11. Why is Gilgamesh unwilling to take Siduri's advice at this ... -...


    To the ancient Babylonians Siduri was a Goddess of wine, merry-making and wisdom. She lived in a tavern on the shore of the sea, beyond which was the "Land of Life". Siduri is referred to in the ...