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  2. How to add a windows 7/10 "right-click" context menu entry to convert your video file to gif. Some of the other answers mentioned the video2gif script, which I used. But, you could use any script. To create the context-menu option, you need to edit your registry. Open a powershell command prompt, running w/ admin privs. Execute these commands:

  3. The order of command line arguments matters. This command line should work but will generate a giant file: ffmpeg -i yesbuddy.mov -pix_fmt rgb24 output.gif. Note that you probably want to reduce the frame rate and size when you convert, as well as specify a start time and duration. You probably do not want to convert the entire file at its ...

  4. The standard way to use ffmpeg for GIFs is. Generate a palette from the video. ffmpeg -y -i file.mp4 -vf palettegen palette.png. Then, ffmpeg -y -i file.mp4 -i palette.png -filter_complex paletteuse -r 10 -s 320x480 file.gif. More options documented here. Share.

  5. The following two commands work for me with great GIF quality bu it's just missing the correct resizing. It does give me a GIF output but the size is 1138x640 instead of 640x640. Generating a palette: ffmpeg -y -ss 30 -t 3 -i input.mp4 \ -vf fps=10,scale=1138:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen palette.png Outputting GIF using the palette:

  6. Try this instead: ffmpeg -ss 5 -i input.wmv -t 10 -pix_fmt rgb24 output.gif. Notes: I shortened the timestamps. If you just need seconds, it's enough to specify those. -t is an output option and should go between -i and your output file name. GIFs need an RGB pixel format, which you have to specify as well. You may need to downscale your video ...

  7. Use VirtualDubMod to convert the AVI to a sequence of images (PNG). Use Easy Graphic Converter to convert the PNGs to GIFs. Use UnFREEz to create an animated GIF from the images. Done and dusted. Video Tutorial. ALL programs are free, and ALL programs but Easy Graphic Converter are portable.

  8. convert -layers Optimize -delay 5 frame1.png frame2.png -delay 10 frame3.png animation.gif which gives a 5ms delay for frame1 and frame2, and a 10ms delay for frame3. Share

  9. The ImageMagick convert program can split up animated GIFs. e.g. given the existence of a file 'foo.gif', I can run: convert foo.gif foo.png and it will create files foo-0.png, foo-1.png, etc, one for each frame. If you have more digits, then use the following syntax, for example with 4 digits: convert foo.gif foo%04d.png

  10. A work around on windows would be to convert the movie to a sequence of stills: convert test.avi frame%04d.png. if you want to use ffmpeg, this will extract frames every 5 seconds: ffmpeg -i test.avi -y -ss 5 -an -r 1/5 frame%03d.png. then making the animation by using the apng edit firefox plugin. Share.

  11. 3. If I understand you correctly, this article on FFmpeg's Wiki named "Create a thumbnail image every X seconds of the video" shows that FFmpeg can't do what you want it to do (without some automated calculations). The wiki says that -vf "fps=fps=XYZ" is your best shot - it will create one thumbnail/frame every XYZ frames of the original video.