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Politik, Ideologi dan Sastra Hibrida (Politics, Ideology and Hybrid Literature), 1999; Sihir Rendra: Permainan Makna (Rendra the Magician: The Play of Meaning), 1999; Priayi Abangan (The Lapsed Bourgeois), 2000; Puisi Indonesia Sebelum Kemerdekaan (Indonesian Poetry Before Independence), 2004
Doa dan hiburan : Bagi orang sakit dan terkena musibah [Prayer and consolation: For people who are sick and affected by disaster] (in Indonesian). Pustaka Imam Syafi'i. ISBN 979-3536-34-9. Yazid, Abdul Qadir (2005). Dunia Ini Adalah Tempat Cobaan dan Ujian [This World Is a Place of temptations and Trials] (in Indonesian). Pustaka Imam Syafi'i.
Chairil Anwar (26 July 1922 – 28 April 1949) was an Indonesian poet and member of the "1945 Generation" of writers.He is estimated to have written 96 works, including 70 individual poems.
Tengku Amir Hamzah (February 1911 – 20 March 1946) [a] was an Indonesian poet and National Hero of Indonesia.Born into a Malay aristocratic family in the Sultanate of Langkat in North Sumatra, he was educated in both Sumatra and Java.
Imruʾ al-Qais Junduh bin Hujr al-Kindi (Arabic: ٱمْرُؤ ٱلْقَيْس جُنْدُح ٱبْن حَجْر ٱلْكِنْدِيّ, romanized: Imruʾ al-Qays Junduḥ ibn Ḥujr al-Kindiyy) was a pre-Islamic Arabian poet from Najd in the late fifth and early sixth centuries, and the last King of Kinda.
His writings in exile include "Exile", "Orang-orang yang Dilupakan" and "Kronologi in Memoriam". Wispi's poems written during his exile period are included in "Di Negeri Orang- Puisi Penyair Indonesia Eksil" (On Foreign Shores- Poems by Exiled Indonesian Poets), published in 2002, which is an anthology of poets and writers in exile.
Al-Akhtal al-Taghlibî was one of the great panegyrists of the Umayyad period. He became famous for his satires and panegyrics in a period when poetry was an important political instrument.
Subagio Sastrowardoyo (1 February 1924 – 18 July 1995) was an Indonesian poet, short-story writer, essayist and literary critic. Born in Madiun, East Java, the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), he studied at Gadjah Mada University, Cornell University and in 1963 graduated with an MA from Yale University. [1]