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Butternut canker is a lethal disease of butternut trees, and has no cure.. A plant canker is a small area of dead tissue, which grows slowly, often over years. Some cankers are of only minor consequence, but others are ultimately lethal and therefore can have major economic implications for agriculture and horticulture.
Hypoxylon canker of shade trees is an ascomycete fungal disease. [7] [8] The fungal pathogen must take advantage of wounds in the host tree or unhealthy tree tissue to infect and colonize the host, as normal, robust trees are not very susceptible to infection. [7]
Fusarium circinatum is a fungal plant pathogen that causes the serious disease pitch canker on pine trees and Douglas firs (Pseudotsuga menziesii).The most common hosts of the pathogen include slash pine (Pinus elliottii), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), Mexican weeping pine (Pinus patula), and Douglas fir. [1]
Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum is a mitosporic fungus that causes the butternut canker, a lethal disease of butternut trees (Juglans cinerea). It is also known to parasitize other members of the genus Juglans on occasion, and very rarely other related trees including hickories .
Canker: symptom produced by the pathogen. Eutypella canker infects many species of maple trees, most prevalently the sugar maple (Acer saccharum).Others commonly affected are the red maple (Acer rubrum), box elder (Acer negundo), striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum), Norway maple (Acer platanoides), sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), and black maple (Acer nigrum).
Cypress canker is a disease affecting Cupressus species, caused by one of several species of fungus in the genus Seiridium. Infection causes die-back of twigs and branches in susceptible cypress trees, [ 1 ] with rapidly increasing amounts of damage and the death of the tree.
According to the article “The Range and Importance of Nectaria Canker on hardwoods in the NorthEast” by D.S. Welch, one of the most important pathogens to affect hardwood trees is the Nectria genus, or Nectria canker caused by Nectria spp. The Nectria Canker is a fungal infection of the cortex and cambium that spreads slowly over the years.
Management of Bleeding Canker of Chestnut is not definitive and treatments are currently being investigated. Because the pathogen can be spread by contaminated tools, cultural practices are important to management. Tools should be cleaned and used with caution after being used on infected trees. [2]