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  2. PET scan results show hypermetabolic activity: What does this...


    conglomerate adenopathy in this region is a right paratracheal conglomerate with maximum SUV value of 3.04. Maximum size 35 x 24 mm. This compares to prior maximum SUV value of 2.15 and size 21 x 12 mm. Diffuse lymphadenopathy elsewhere within the mediastinum has also worsened in relationship to metabolic activity and size.

  3. What does hypermetabolic activity on left hilum mean?


    What does PET scan results reading, “hyper metabolic area in left hilum of indeterminate etiology and significance mean?

  4. Suprahilar left lung mass | Mayo Clinic Connect


    Welcome @deedee1981.You're in good hands at Mayo Clinic. I'm not sure of specific locations, but I know that fellow members like @merpreb @marshall8318 @corgimenow @vic83 @daria @dedehans and others have heard the words "there's a nodule in your lung that we need to investigate further" or similar.

  5. PET shows hypermetabolic activity: What does it all mean?


    Hi @stephers911, deep breath and one step at a time.You'll notice that I moved your message to this existing discussion where @oakhillbull @bcsurvivor @trixie1313 asked similar questions about the meaning of hypermetabolism activity showing on a PET scan.

  6. perihilar infiltrate - Mayo Clinic Connect


    *Note where it says "Finally, the area surrounding the hilum of the lung is called the perihilar region." So I think what a perihilar infiltrate would mean is that there was/is a substance denser than air in the perihilar region of your right lung.

  7. Is a Spiculated lung nodule always malignant? - Mayo Clinic...


    They removed a 3.1cm mass from my upper right lung (stage 1b not 1a because of size). However, the measurements on CT scans refer to ground glass, semi solid and solid parts so it is difficult to compare to your 5mm.

  8. Liver Transplant for Cholangiocarcinoma | Mayo Clinic Connect


    Hilar cholangiocarcinoma occurs where the major bile ducts combine in the central portion of the liver and form the main bile duct that drains the liver. Cancers arising in this location are treated with resection when possible. When resection is not possible, these cancers can now be treated with transplantation using the Mayo Clinic protocol.

  9. My doctor did a lung cancer screening CT scan and found a mass –...


    I too had a CT scan that identified a mass. The difference between us is that they (Mayo) had seen a nodule in my lung a year ago and I had had CTs done every 6 months so in fact the nodule changed.

  10. Calcified granulomas in lung apex | Mayo Clinic Connect


    I see my pulmonologist september 14, I have lots of questions to ask. I am confused because the nurse in dr office said lungs are clear so I don’t understand why it shows the calcified granulomas , would you consider this a clear ct scan

  11. Expert Answer: How does having hypothyroidism affect my weight?


    The weight gain associated with hypothyroidism is generally quite modest and in the region of 5-10lbs. We typically do not see a very large weight gain due to hypothyroidism alone. This is because there are many other hormonal, genetic, dietary, lifestyle and environmental factors that also influence our body weight.