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Xanthomonas campestris pv.vesicatoria is a bacterium that causes bacterial leaf spot (BLS) on peppers and tomatoes. It is a gram-negative and rod-shaped. [1] It causes symptoms throughout the above-ground portion of the plant including leaf spots, fruit spots and stem cankers.
Stemphylium solani is of greatest concern in tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, garlic, onions, and cotton, though a wide range of over 20 species have proven susceptible. In tomatoes and potatoes, the resulting disease is known as grey leaf spot. In alliums it is known as leaf blight. Additional hosts are listed below. [1] Onion, Allium ascalonicum
A view of an infected pepper . Colletotrichum capsici has a broad host range but prefers peppers, yams and eggplants. On chili peppers, Capsicum annuum L., C. capsici infect the stem, fruit, and leaves of the plant, causing anthracnose, die-back and ripe fruit rot.
Symptoms of black rot may vary widely among different species of crucifers. On cauliflower, Xcc infection via stomata causes black or brown specks, scratched leaf margins, black veins, and discolored curds. [11] Additionally, the severity of symptoms and aggressiveness of the disease varies between different strains of the Xcc pathogen. [1]
Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the cultivar. Typical symptoms include the chlorosis of leaves, stunting, and distorted and lumpy fruiting structures. The virus is spread by mechanical transmission and infected seeds. Avoidance is the best means of controlling the disease because once a plant is infected it cannot be treated.
By Esther Sung The word "pepper" refers to members of the genus Capsicum, which includes hot varieties, also known as chile peppers, and sweet varieties, such as the bell pepper. Up until the ...
Removing flowers before seeds form can also help slow the spread of some plants, if that is a problem. Deadheading, however, should not be done if you plan to save seed from your plants.
Infection of the pepper commonly starts at the soil line leading to symptoms of dark, water soaked areas on the stem. Dark lesions of the stem may girdle the plant resulting in death. Roots of the pepper plant appear brown and mushy. Leaf spots start out small and become water soaked, and as time progresses may enlarge turn tan and crack.