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  2. 5 Exceptional 3x6 N Scale Layouts - Model Train Books


    Check out 5 exceptional 3x6 n scale layouts including a mountain scene, river scene plus winter themed layouts to provide ideas for own 3x6 layout.

  3. N scale track plan 3x6: This layout rocks!


    A 3x 6N scale track plan that features a large and busy train station in an urban scenery. We see long platforms for long trains, extensive railroad facilites, city houses and backyards. On the right, the main route appears under a bridge and then forks into two main lines.

  4. N scale 3×6 layout – Lewis’s - Model railroad layouts plans


    N scale 3x6 - I started with a 3x6 cookie cutter layout that I found in a magazine for a single layer Lane railroad layout.

  5. Track Plans (Mostly N Scale) - steves-trains


    Here are the track plan and track list for the 2' x 3' N scale desktop micro layout I built. You can read more on that layout here: https://www.steves-trains.com/post/2-x-3-n-scale-mini-layout

  6. 10 Stunning Complete N Scale Train Layouts - Model Train Books


    List of 3 stunning complete n scale train layouts to help provide design ideas for your own N scale layout plans.

  7. Catalog of Model Train Track Plans in model scale N


    Discover a selection of 249 model train layouts in model scale N (1:160) featuring popular brands like Kato (81), Fleischmann (75), Kato Unitrack N (64), Fleischmann N (62), and more, ranging from 25 to 1959 tracks

  8. Description: A single-track branch line that winds through a lovely landscape. 3 x 6 N scale track plan, based on the figure “8”. More: Figure 8 N scale track plan & layout