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  2. What is the meaning of the lyrics Sound of Silence? - Answers


    What is the meaning of 'Silence like a cancer grows'? Cancer cells replicate/grow very rapidly. The simile "Silence like a cancer grows" from the Simon and Garfunkel song The Sound of Silence is ...

  3. What is the meaning of 'Silence like a cancer grows'? - Answers


    The simile "Silence like a cancer grows" from the Simon and Garfunkel song The Sound of Silence is used to indicate a rapidly growing silence, and also gives a visual image of a swelling and ...

  4. What is the meaning of the phrase dead silence? - Answers


    The word "deafening" is used maliciously (it is usually a loud noise that is deafening). Thus if something someone says is greeted with a "deafening silence" what has been said has NOT been liked ...

  5. Who said The Silence is deafening? - Answers


    The phrase "The silence is deafening" is a common expression used to describe a situation of deep silence or lack of communication. The origin of the phrase is unclear, but it is often attributed ...

  6. When a word sounds like its meaning? - Answers


    Word that sounds like its meaning? "Whisper" sounds like its meaning because the soft and hushed quality of the word mirrors the quiet and secretive way in which a whisper is spoken.

  7. The Cruelest Lies Are Often Told In Silence meaning? - Answers


    The silence is a lie, because it is allowing the other to believe everything is fine when it isn't. - A lie of omission is the "cruelest of lies," because it takes away the power of the other ...

  8. What words sounds the same but has a different meaning?


    A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and spelling. "Crop" does not have another word that sounds the same but has a different meaning ...

  9. Summary of the sounds of Sunday by kerima polotan tuvera?


    Sounds like "Never on Sunday" from the movie of the same name (1960) starring Melina Mercouri, filmed in Greece. Internet Movie Database uses its original Greek title but you can find it anyway.

  10. Has anyone the latin words for the theme music in Silent ... -...


    It's "Testator silens. Costestes e spiritu silentium angeli. [Silens.] Costestes e spiritu silentium." Costestes is a misspelling, though it may be a medieval misspelling rather than a modern one.

  11. What does the mouth maintains silence in order to hear the ... -...


    "Silence will fall" is a repeated phrase in Doctor Who referring to the prophecy of the Silence, a religious order that seeks to prevent the Doctor from answering a question. It ...