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  2. Property Tax index. Property tax is administered and collected by local governments, with assistance from the SCDOR. Real and personal property are subject to the tax. Approximately two-thirds of county-levied property taxes are used to support public education.

  3. Renew My Registration - SCDMV


    In this state, you must pay your personal vehicle property taxes before a license plate can be renewed and a new decal issued. You can pay both the vehicle property taxes and renewal fees at the county treasurer's office.

  4. Online Services - SCDMV


    The SCDMV has many processes available to complete online. Learn more about what information is required for each transaction below. Already know what you need? COMPLETE AN ONLINE TRANSACTION. I Need To ... Online transactions for the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV).

  5. Moving To SC - Vehicle - SCDMV


    If you move to South Carolina from another state, you'll want to get an SC driver's license and transfer your vehicle's title and registration. Before you transfer your title and registration, you must pay any property taxes with your county treasurer.

  6. Information to know regarding Motor Vehicle Taxes


    For new residents of South Carolina, personal property taxes on motor vehicles and recreational vehicles must be paid before your decal, registration, and license plates can be issued. You have 45 days after moving to South Carolina to register your vehicle.

  7. Vehicle Tax - Horry County SC.Gov


    In South Carolina, taxes on your vehicle are paid a year ahead. Before you can register your vehicle with the SC Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), you must first pay the property taxes that are required in the county in which you reside.

  8. Vehicle Taxes | County of Lexington - South Carolina


    Information Regarding Your Vehicle Taxes. All vehicles owned by South Carolina residents are subject to property taxes. Vehicle taxes must be paid prior to registering the vehicle with the S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles. Vehicle taxes are paid in advance covering a period of one year.