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  2. The nuclear power dispute driving a wedge between France and...


    The German protesters that once demanded the site’s closure have decamped, and the last watts were produced three years ago. But disagreements over how the plant from 1977 should be repurposed persist, speaking to a much deeper divide over nuclear power between the two countries on either side of the river’s banks.

  3. Only 20 Watts Needed To Power The Human Brain - EF News


    Only 20 watts needed to power the human brain by Globe and Mail - “The human brain runs on only about 20 watts of power, equal to the dim light behind the pickle jar in your refrigerator,” Discover magazine reports. “By contrast, the computer on your desk consumes a million times as much energy per calculation.

  4. Electricity Cost - The Electricity Forum


    A 100-watt light bulb uses 100 watts. A typical desktop computer uses 65 watts. A central air conditioner uses about 3500 watts. If you want to know how to rate electricity pricing, you want to know how much energy you're using. When you use 1000 watts for an hour, that's a kilowatt-hour. For example: Ten 100-watt light bulbs on for an hour, is ...

  5. Water discharge permit for TVA reactor lapses - EF News


    The single-reactor Watts Bar station, some 50 miles south of Knoxville, draws about 150,000 gallons a minute from the river. It returns slightly less because of evaporation in the cooling process. The discharge mixes with 3 million to 4 million gallons a minute already flowing by the plant.

  6. Turning the sunÂ’s glare into watts - EF News


    Turning the sun’s glare into watts- EF News. BOULDER CITY, NEVADA - At first, as he adjusted pumps and checked temperatures, Aaron Boucher looked like any technician in the control room of an electrical plant.

  7. Solar Panel Sales Double In The UK As Homeowners Look To Cut...


    On his smart metre, Kumi Thiruchelvam looks satisfied at the "0 watts" showing up under electricity. It's about 10 am, and he's not using any electricity from the grid. Cost of installation? Between £12,000 and £13,000 (€13,500-€14,500), a fair chunk of savings, even for Thiruchelvam, who lives on a private avenue in Luton.

  8. TVA will outline changes made to limit chilling environment f -...


    The meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the NRC's regional headquarters in Atlanta comes two months after regulators issued a critical letter to TVA about how its programs, people and procedures may be stifling some control room operators in the Unit 1 reactor at Watts Bar from raising safety concerns.

  9. Measuring all those Wii devices - EF News


    The smart meter went from one kilowatt-hour (kwh) at 3 p.m. — tracking 1,000 watts used over four days of watching an empty house — to just under 80 kwh by 9 a.m. the next day. To translate that into financial terms, consider that we pay between 5 and 15 cents for each kwh.

  10. TVA intends to meet the energy demand - EF News


    Even with these reductions and additional generation from Watts Bar, the region's growth in power demand will require another generating unit as large as the Watts Bar unit by 2017. To meet this growth, TVA can build new plants or buy power from other utilities or independent suppliers.

  11. Toronto condo first residential building to use LEDs primarily


    The previous lighting used 35 watts of electricity per light, while the new LEDs only require 4 watts per light. Toronto design firm, Heather Ann Scott Signature Design was retained for the project by the Board of the Palace Pier Condominium.