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  2. Town of Milan


    Welcome to the Town of Milan NH meeting minutes for any public bodies that are not posted on this website are available at the Selectmen's office. Town of Milan New Hampshire

  3. Town of Milan


    Town of Milan New Hampshire Selectmen's Office. Selectman's Office. Chairman: Randy Fortin. Kenneth Lee Dube. Claude Plourde . Administrative Assistant: Lynn Dube . The Selectmen meet every other Monday evening from 6:00PM - 7:00PM. If you need to contact the selectmen's office: ...

  4. Town of Milan


    Visit our website at www.TownOfMilan.org. Email Town Clerk at Milantownclerk@gmail.com. Email Selectmen at TownOfMilan@gmail.com

  5. Town of Milan


    Town of Milan New Hampshire Recreation Department. Director - Kyleh Lurvey . Web Hosting ...

  6. Town of Milan


    Town of Milan New Hampshire Zoning Board . Zoning Board . Chairman: Rodney Young. Member: Linda Lamirande. Lincoln Robertson. Ann Marie Chaisson . The Zoning Board meets every third Thursday of the month at 7:00PM Web Hosting ...

  7. Town of Milan


    The Milan Community Forest is managed by a committee appointed by and reporting to the Milan Board of Selectmen. By statute, memberships serve without compensation and is limited to 5 people.

  8. Town of Milan


    Town of Milan New Hampshire Building Inspector. Building Inspector: Raymond Labrecque . The Building Inspector meets every Monday 6-7PM (every other Monday in the Summer months) Web Hosting ...



    The Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Milan is intended to regulate land use within the town. It is designed to take into account the impacts of land uses and promote uses of land for the

  10. Town of Milan


    Road Agent Bryan Mason. Web Hosting powered by Network Solutions® powered by Network Solutions®

  11. TOWN OF MILAN Community Forest Committee


    TOWN OF MILAN Community Forest Committee P.O. Box 300 - 20 Bridge Street - Milan, NH 03588-0300 Phone 603-449-2484 fax 603-449-2142 Web: www.townofmilan.org e-mail: townofmilan@gmail.com CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY Introduction The operation of the Milan Community Forest is for the benefit of the public, residents and visitors alike.