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  2. Red River County, Texas


    Red River County adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year's tax rate. The tax rate will effectively be raised by 3.86 percent and will lower taxes for maintenance and operations on a $100,000 home by approximately $-22.95

  3. Red River County, Texas


    RED RIVER COUNTY ANNEX BLDG. 200 N. Walnut Street Clarksville, TX 75426 Phone: 903-427-2401. email address: cchandler@co.red-river.tx.us Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8am to 5pm Closed On Fridays . THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IS NOT REQUIRED BY LAW TO PERFORM ANY SEARCHES INCLUDING GENEALOGY

  4. Red River County, Texas


    To View Tax Sales Properties: lgbs.taxsales.com (seach Red River County, TX) Click the link below to:

  5. Red River County, Texas


    Red River County Commissioner's Secretary 903-427-3116. Dept. of Public Safety 903-427-3271. Drivers License Office 903-427-2931

  6. Elections - County Clerk - Red River County, Texas


    Individuals who are 65 or older, disabled, or will be out of the county during early voting in person and election day can request in writing a ballot by mail. IF YOU ARE VOTING BY MAIL BECAUSE YOU WILLBE OUT OF THE COUNTY DIRNG EARLY VOTING AND ELECITON, YOU MUST PROVIDE AN OUT OF COUNTY ADDRESS FOR THE BALLOT TO BE MAILED.

  7. Red River County, Texas


    County Jail Inmate Listing t o view the current inmates in Red River County Jai l. Visit VINELink.com to check the custody status of your Offender. Visit MissingKids.com for information on missing Texas children.

  8. Red River County, Texas


    Judge Robert Bridges 400 N Walnut Office Hours: Clarksville TX 75426 8am to 5pm Phone: 903.427.2680 Monday-Thursday Fax: 903.427.5510 CLOSED FRIDAY

  9. Red River County, Texas


    Rules of Procedure, Conduct, and Decorum at Meetings of the Red River County Commissioners Court. 2023 Public Participation Form

  10. Red River County Job Openings


    How to find us. Red River County Courthouse Walnut St Clarksville, TX 75426. Provided by the Texas Association of Counties Duties & Responsibilities of County Officials

  11. Red River County, Texas


    Office Hours: Monday- Thursday 8:00 AM- 5:00PM; Closed Thursdays from 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM for lunch; All Red River County Offices are closed on Fridays