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When in Rome, do as the Romans do (Medieval Latin: Sī fuerīs Rōmae, Rōmānō vīvitō mōre; sī fuerīs alibī, vīvitō sīcut ibī), often shortened to when in Rome..., is a proverb attributed to Saint Ambrose. [1] [2] The proverb means that it is best to follow the traditions or customs of a place being visited.
The Senate and the People of Rome: The official name of the Roman Republic. "SPQR" was carried on battle standards by the Roman legions. In addition to being an ancient Roman motto, it remains the motto of the modern city of Rome. sensu lato: with the broad, or general, meaning: Less literally, "in the wide sense". sensu stricto cf. stricto sensu
The term Urbi et Orbi evolved from the consciousness of the ancient Roman Empire.The invocation is expressed by the pope in his capacity as both the bishop of Rome (urbs = city; urbi the corresponding dative form; compare: urban) and the head of the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world (orbis = earth; orbi the corresponding dative form; compare: orbit).
may it live, grow, [and] flourish: vivat rex: may the king live: The acclamation is ordinary translated as "long live the king!". In the case of a queen, "vivat regina" ("long live the queen"). vivat rex, curat lex: long live the king, guardian of the law: A curious translation of the pun on "vivat rex", found in Westerham parish church in Kent ...
The pontifices were the most important priestly college of the religion in ancient Rome; their name is usually thought to derive from pons facere ("to make a bridge"), which in turn is usually linked to their religious authority over the bridges of Rome, especially the Pons Sublicius. posse comitatus: force of the county [7]
"Now I am going." [11]: 57 — Paolo Farinati, Italian Mannerist painter (1606), on his deathbed. His wife replied, "I will bear you company, my dear husband," and also died. "I begin to perceive and feel the joys of eternal life. I shall soon behold Him, who was sacrificed for men; I long for the blessed sight.
Live to fight another day (This saying comes from an English proverbial rhyme, "He who fights and runs away, may live to fight another day") Loose lips sink ships; Look before you leap; Love is blind – The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act II, Scene 1 (1591) Love of money is the root of all evil [16] Love makes the world go around
Some early oracular statements from Delphi may have been delivered to Lycurgus, the semi-legendary Spartan lawgiver (fl. 8th century BC).. According to the report by Herodotus (Histories A.65, 2–4), Lycurgus visited and consulted the oracle before he applied his new laws to Sparta,