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Translated into Latin from Baudelaire's L'art pour l'art. Motto of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. While symmetrical for the logo of MGM, the better word order in Latin is "Ars artis gratia". ars longa, vita brevis: art is long, life is short: Seneca, De Brevitate Vitae, 1.1, translating a phrase of Hippocrates that is often used out of context. The "art ...
This is a list of Wikipedia articles of Latin phrases and their translation into English. To view all phrases on a single, lengthy document, see: List of Latin phrases (full) The list is also divided alphabetically into twenty pages:
A relatively common recent Latinization from the joke phrasebook Latin for All Occasions. Grammatically correct, but the phrase would be anachronistic in ancient Rome. memento mori: remember that [you will] die: remember your mortality; medieval Latin based on "memento moriendum esse" in antiquity. [5] memento vivere: remember to live ...
Written on an old Latin tablet in downtown Verona (Italy). pede poena claudo: punishment comes limping: That is, retribution comes slowly but surely. From Horace, Odes, 3, 2, 32. pendent opera interrupta: the works hang interrupted: From the Aeneid of Virgil, Book IV per: By, through, by means of: See specific phrases below per angusta ad augusta
The most typical or classic case of something; quotation which most typifies its use. locus minoris resistentiae: place of less resistance: A medical term to describe a location on or in a body that offers little resistance to infection, damage, or injury. For example, a weakened place that tends to be reinjured. locus poenitentiae: a place of ...
life is uncertain, death is most certain: More simply, "the most certain thing in life is death". vita mutatur, non tollitur: life is changed, not taken away: The phrase is a quotation from the preface of the first Roman Catholic rite of the Mass for the Dead. vita patris: during the life of the father
An intentionally garbled Latin phrase from Monty Python's Life of Brian. Its intended meaning is "Romans, go home!", in Latin Romani ite domum. rorate coeli: drop down ye heavens: a.k.a. The Advent Prose. rosam quae meruit ferat: She who has earned the rose may bear it: Motto from Sweet Briar College: rus in urbe: A countryside in the city
Mock-Latin motto of The Addams Family. sic infit: so it begins: sic itur ad astra: thus you shall go to the stars: From Virgil, Aeneid book IX, line 641. Possibly the source of the ad astra phrases. Motto of several institutions, including the Royal Canadian Air Force. sic parvis magna: greatness from small beginnings: Motto of Sir Francis ...