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I am using the following libreoffice command to convert my pdf files into word(doc) lowriter --headless --infilter='writer_pdf_import' --convert-to doc:"MS Word 2007 XML" sample.pdf After converting the output document is having each line bordered with a rectangular box. But if I use the same command with MS Word 97 it is working perfectly.
Convert .pdf to .odt first, to preserve the layout as much as possible: libreoffice --infilter="writer_pdf_import" --headless --convert-to odt "The file.pdf" a) Open the created file The file.odt with LibreOffice Writer and Save as... .doc or .docx
I need to batch convert a set of .doc or .docx files to .pdf in terminal, not using a GUI. It would be helpful if I could batch-process multiple files. I would also like to maintain as much meta...
Then, in most cases the parameters --headless --convert-to pdf are not sufficient. It needs to be:--headless --convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export Be sure to follow exactly this capitalization! Next, the command will not work if there is already a LibreOffice GUI instance up and running on your system. It is caused by bug #37531, known since 2011 ...
Another option is to install Cups PDF. To do so just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command(s) below: sudo apt-get install cups-pdf Then create a new printer, set it as a PDF file printer, and name it whatever you want, as long as you know the name, then run: oowriter -pt pdf your_word_file.docx
I would like to convert a pdf to an word or ODF file. If found several programs like Okular, but I don't know how to do that. Edit: It is a text pdf, not an image pdf.
The default uses tesseract and creates a "sandwiched" pdf: image + text underneath. The embedded image can be removed with commands like: gs -o ocr_noIMG.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFILTERIMAGE ocr_image.pdf but the text is hidden, so it looks like a blank page. Loading the PDF into LibreOffice Draw exposes the text and the image can be deleted ...
It works best if the pages in the PDF are landscape already. 1.) Make sure the package imagemagick is installed (apt install imagemagick). Put your source PDF into a directory. Then in the terminal, navigate to that directory and run: convert filename.pdf filename.jpg. This will spit out a jpeg of each page in the PDF.
Problem is now, I have an embedded image in my SVG that actually got rasterized with a very low resolution. Specifying a higher X/Y dpi for rsvg-convert didn't change that. So I did the following, which resolved the issue: "Rasterizing" the image into a PDF: rsvg-convert -f pdf -o rasterized.pdf orig.svg
soffice --headless --convert-to <TargetFileExtension>:<NameOfFilter> Use the link to look for the filter names in the .xcu files. For example, I wanted to convert to Excel 95 format so I found the MS_Excel_95.xcu filter and inside it has a name: