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For example, for the array of values [−2, 1, −3, 4, −1, 2, 1, −5, 4], the contiguous subarray with the largest sum is [4, −1, 2, 1], with sum 6. Some properties of this problem are: If the array contains all non-negative numbers, then the problem is trivial; a maximum subarray is the entire array.
Given such an instance, construct an instance of Partition in which the input set contains the original set plus two elements: z 1 and z 2, with z 1 = sum(S) and z 2 = 2T. The sum of this input set is sum(S) + z 1 + z 2 = 2 sum(S) + 2T, so the target sum for Partition is sum(S) + T. Suppose there exists a solution S′ to the SubsetSum instance.
Conversely, given a solution to the SubsetSumZero instance, it must contain the −T (since all integers in S are positive), so to get a sum of zero, it must also contain a subset of S with a sum of +T, which is a solution of the SubsetSumPositive instance. The input integers are positive, and T = sum(S)/2.
The subset sum problem is a special case of the decision and 0-1 problems where each kind of item, the weight equals the value: =. In the field of cryptography, the term knapsack problem is often used to refer specifically to the subset sum problem. The subset sum problem is one of Karp's 21 NP-complete problems. [2]
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. It is a 5% rated problem, indicating it is one of the easiest on the site. The initial approach a beginner can come up with is a bruteforce attempt. Given the ...
Coin values can be modeled by a set of n distinct positive integer values (whole numbers), arranged in increasing order as w 1 through w n.The problem is: given an amount W, also a positive integer, to find a set of non-negative (positive or zero) integers {x 1, x 2, ..., x n}, with each x j representing how often the coin with value w j is used, which minimize the total number of coins f(W)
A Fenwick tree or binary indexed tree (BIT) is a data structure that stores an array of values and can efficiently compute prefix sums of the values and update the values. It also supports an efficient rank-search operation for finding the longest prefix whose sum is no more than a specified value.
A fractional set cover is an assignment of a fraction (a number in [0,1]) to each set in , such that for each element x in the universe, the sum of fractions of sets that contain x is at least 1. The goal is to find a fractional set cover in which the sum of fractions is as small as possible.