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In English, eau only exists in words borrowed from French, and so is pronounced similarly in almost all cases (like in plateau, bureau).Exceptions include beauty and words derived from it, where it is pronounced /juː/, bureaucrat where it is pronounced /ə/, bureaucracy where it is pronounced /ɒ/, [4] and (in some contexts) the proper names Beaulieu and Beauchamp (as /juː/ and /iː ...
Le mal vient non pas de la mauvaise foi, [lœ̈ mal vjẽɪ̃ nõʊ̃ | pɔ dla mɔvaɛ̯z fwa |] mais du manque de lucidité et du porte-à-faux. [mɛ d͡zy mãŋ | dœ̈ lysid͡zite | e d͡zy pɔʁt‿a fo ‖] Le mal vient de ce qu'on a voulu jouer sur deux tableaux, [lœ̈ mal vjẽɪ̃ | dœ̈ sœ̈ kõʊ̃ n‿ɑ vuly ʒwe | sʏʁ dø ...
Chevrefoil" is a Breton lai by the medieval poet Marie de France. The eleventh poem in the collection is called The Lais of Marie de France and its subject is an episode from the romance of Tristan and Iseult. The title means "honeysuckle," a symbol of love in the poem.
Latin pronunciation, both in the classical and post-classical age, has varied across different regions and different eras. As the respective languages have undergone sound changes, the changes have often applied to the pronunciation of Latin as well.
eau de Cologne eau de Cologne a type of perfume, originating in Cologne. Its Italian creator used a French name to commercialize it, Cologne at that time being under the control of France. eau de toilette lit. ' grooming water '. It usually refers to an aromatic product that is less expensive than a perfume because it has less of the aromatic ...
The term grand seigneur has survived in English and French. Today this usually means an elegant, urbane gentleman. Some even use it in a stricter sense to refer to a man whose manners and way of life reflect his noble ancestry and great wealth. In addition, Le Grand Seigneur had long been the name given by the French to the Ottoman sultan. [4]
In French, œ is called e dans l'o [ə dɑ̃ lo], which means e in the o (a mnemotechnic pun used first at school, sounding like (des) œufs dans l'eau, meaning eggs in water) or sometimes o et e collés, (literally o and e glued) and is a true linguistic ligature, not just a typographic one (like the fi or fl ligatures), reflecting etymology.
Les corps glorieux, Sept visions brèves de la Vie des ressuscités (French: The Bodies Glorious, Seven Brief Visions of the Life of the Resurrected) are a large cycle for organ composed in the summer of 1939 [1] [2] in Saint-Théoffrey by Olivier Messiaen.