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  2. Tipmont - Web Outage Viewer


    View outage information for Tipmont by selecting a county.

  3. If you have Tipmont electric service and your address is not located in a zone, please visit wintek.com/fibermap or call our office at 800-726-3953.

  4. Search your address

  5. In the time since Tipmont has constructed over 2,000 miles of fiber optic line throughout its 875 square mile electric service territory, known as the “on-footprint build.” Chairman Robert Baker announces Tipmont’s fiber internet project at the 2017 Annual Meeting

  6. This survey includes an internet speed test. To send the most accurate result, please complete the survey under the following conditions: Using your home internet connection and a wired connection to your router.

  7. Frequently Asked Questions - Tipmont Fiber Connection...


    The brief survey will ask a few questions about you and your interest in Tipmont’s fiber-optic internet service. It also includes a speed test that will measure your current home internet speed. Why does the survey include a speed test?

  8. Tipmont



  9. About Cooperatives - Tipmont REMC


    How does Tipmont measure success if sales and profit are aren’t the primary goal? At Tipmont, we measure our success by measuring our members’ overall satisfaction with the products and services we offer.

  10. ArcGIS Web Application - Tipmont


    Explore Tipmont's interactive ArcGIS map for detailed geographic information.

  11. Sign in to Tipmont REMC Portal for ArcGIS


    ArcGIS Dashboards wants to access your Tipmont REMC Portal for ArcGIS account information