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  2. In-Text Citations: The Basics - Purdue OWL®


    On the other hand, if you are directly quoting or borrowing from another work, you should include the page number at the end of the parenthetical citation. Use the abbreviation “p.” (for one page) or “pp.” (for multiple pages) before listing the page number(s). Use an en dash for page ranges.

  3. Always include page numbers in the APA in-text citation when quoting a source. Don’t include page numbers when referring to a work as a whole – for example, an entire book or journal article. If your source does not have page numbers, you can use an alternative locator such as a timestamp, chapter heading or paragraph number.

  4. When and How to Include Page Numbers in APA Style Citations


    All APA Style in-text citations have two parts: the author and the date. Some in-text citations also include page numbers (or other location information when page numbers are not available, as with some online materials).

  5. Direct Quotation of Material With Page Numbers - APA Style


    When quoting directly, always provide the author, year, and page number of the quotation (in both parenthetical and narrative in-text citations). Follow these guidelines when providing a page number: For a single page, use the abbreviation “p.” (e.g., p. 25, p. S41, p. e221).

  6. Library Guides: APA Quick Citation Guide: In-text Citation


    APA in-text citation style uses the author's last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14).

  7. In-Text Citation When you use others' ideas (paraphrases) and direct quotes, you must cite your source by including: Author's last name; Publication year (Only for direct quotes) Page number of the quote . The purpose of in-text citation is to direct the reader to the full citation on the References list, which will have the full publication ...

  8. If there are no page numbers, you can include any of the following in the in-text citation: If paragraph numbers are visible use them in place of page numbers; alternatively, you could count paragraphs down from the beginning of the document. Use the abbreviation 'para.'

  9. Library Research Guides: APA Guide for Z503: In-Text Citations


    The full citation or page number must immediately follow the quoted or cited information, even if the citation then occurs in the middle of a sentence. Correct: If we are kept "from focusing on other aspects of the concept that are inconsistent with that metaphor" (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p. 10), we may not be able to appropriately understand ...

  10. LibGuides: Writing and Citing: APA In-Text Citations


    3. AFTER A DIRECT QUOTE. When you include a direct quote from one of your sources, the in-text citation must include a page number.The format would be: “Direct quote” (Last Name, Year of publication, p. page number). Examples: “The foundation of fluency is in the ability to identify words quickly and accurately in context, as well as using the correct intonation needed to understand the ...

  11. APA Citation Guide (7th Edition): In-Text Citation


    Include the author, year of publication, and page number for the reference. If the author and date are introduced in the sentence as a narrative citation, then add the page number in parentheses at the end of the quote. For example, Smith (2019) demonstrated how to "..." (p. 112).